
  1. whoosh


    :razz: :eek: :rofl:
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Magic! "RUDE Cover (The Dad's Side of the Story)" by Benji and Jenna Cowart (@BenjiJe

    :razz: :fdance:
  3. whoosh


    :razz: :rofl:
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Magic Wipes

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Craziest Scare/Prank Trick Ever! Magician Sneezes Head Off!

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Smosh (Show Page) : MAGIC KEYBOARD!

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO the worlds funniest magic show My Favorit :) CLASSIC

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Amazing Stick Trick, Revealed!

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO What You Wearing Magic Shoes ?

  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Magic Show

  11. cybercore

    VIDEO ♦♢ Houdini's Greatest Tricks ♢♦

    As master magician Harry Houdini's 137th birthday is celebrated with some Link Removed, we take a look back at his most famous tricks, from the Chinese Water Torture Cell to hanging upside down in a straitjacket and breaking free. Milk Can Escape It takes a brave man to be handcuffed...
  12. M

    Windows 7 How do I take a video file and burn a dvd

    I have a video that I can put on U-Tube for friends to view, but can't seem to burn a DVD from it. What is the "magic" software (needed or included in Windows 7) to do this, and what steps are needed? Max Hendrickson
  13. whoosh

    VIDEO monkey magic

  14. cybercore

    Catholic Church Issues Guide on How to Convert Witches

    Catholic Church Issues Guide on How to Convert Witches LONDON -- Five hundred years ago, the Catholic Church had a simple way of dealing with witches: It burned them alive. The Vatican still views these broom botherers as a danger, but is now calling on Catholics to eliminate the neo-pagan...
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Be The Star Of Your Favorite Movies with "Sammy's Mobile Movie Magic" Comedy Thunder

  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Magic - shane fenton and billy fury

  17. cybercore

    VIDEO Make An Amazing Magic Ball!

  18. cybercore

    VIDEO Amazing Fire Illusion!
