
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO DeepFakes: The Rise of AI Scams

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO RTX 4090 More Nvidia Lies Manipulation Anti Consumer BS

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO NVIDIA laid out its plan to manipulate the market... Here's the proof...

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Bribes & Manipulation: LG Wants to Control Our Editorial Direction

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Why People Follow a Trump (or a Hitler): Malignant Narcissism & Simplicity - FRANK YEOMANS

    🇺🇸 :rolleyes:
  6. News

    AA19-024A: DNS Infrastructure Hijacking Campaign

    Original release date: January 24, 2019 Summary The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), part of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), is aware of a global Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure hijacking campaign. Using compromised...
  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Rpt: Foreign Officials Have Discussed How To Manipulate Jared Kushner | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

  8. Neemobeer

    Social Engineering

    Some information I've put together regarding social engineering and how people use it to get information. I will likely expand it in the future. ***UPDATE*** This file is safe I did not rig it as a test.
  9. whoosh

    NEWS Russia organized 2 sides of a Texas protest and encouraged 'both sides to battle in the streets'

    Russian trolls organized a protest and a counterprotest in the same place at the same time in May 2016, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Richard Burr, said on Wednesday. The revelation shows how far Russia was willing to go to foment unrest and division in the US in the...
  10. News

    MS16-138 - Important: Security Update for Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk Driver (3199647) -...

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.0 (November 8, 2016): Bulletin published. Summary: The Windows Virtual Hard Disk Driver improperly handles user access to certain files. An attacker can manipulate files in locations not intended to be available to the user by exploiting this...
  11. whoosh

    VIDEO Top 10 Ways to Identify a SOCIOPATH

  12. News

    Using "Drag and Drop" in your Universal Windows App | Inside Windows Platform

    In Windows 10, we've made it exceedingly easy to add "Drag and Drop" functionality to your UWP application. As you're probably aware, "drag and drop" is by no means a new feature for Windows applications. For a very long time, the notion for the user to able to move objects within a single...
  13. Drew

    Windows 8 I sometimes wonder...

    I sometimes wonder, especially since Windows 8.1, if people know or realize how or how much things can be maneuvered and manipulated @ or from the Switcher Bar; what I always call(ed) the APP Bar, Top-Left Corner. >> Size & position of 3 items >> Replace 1 of 2 APPs w/ Desktop or vice versa...
  14. Digerati

    Site Introduced Ads in Members Posts - NOT COOL!

    I am very unhappy with the site's policies to introduce ads into members posts without their knowledge or permission. I think it is very deceptive, disappointing and uncalled for. I am referring to ads that appear when users submit posts they typed using key words like, r e g i s t r y, c r a...
  15. whoosh

    How To Shaft People With Science !

    The most important words are " Don't Panic!" Use those words constantly . Some people may even believe you . People tend to be gullible and easily lead . Never admit fault , blame anything but yourselves. The glass is alway's half full not half empty , emphasise the positive. Finally you know...