Hi everybody. I just stumbled on this board, hope I'm practicing proper etiquette here...but I'm having a BSOD issue. It seems to happen most frequently while using iTunes or MediaMonkey, but has happened without either of those programs being open.
I just did a clean install of Windows 7...
Right, i just got my hands on a 64 bit Win 7. In confusion about device numbering i accidently installed it on my secondary harddrive D: as my logic told me that Device 0 would be C: . Realizing my mistake, i installed it on C:, which contained an old Danish 32bit vista, which i removed through...
admin permissions
boot options
booting issues
data management
digital signature
disk partitioning
error 0xc0000428
file access
hard drive
installation problems
repair installation
system repair
technical support
windows 7
windows recovery
windows vista