minidump files

  1. R

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Constantly Crashing

    Hi everyone, I’ve been having bad issues with my Windows 8.1 desktop I built about a decade ago. It used to run flawlessly until about a year ago. It started to randomly crash / restart itself with no triggers that I can correlate to causing the crashes. I’ve reset the computer to factory...
  2. S

    Windows 7 My Pc crashes

    Hi This is my first time posting here. So i have been having problem whit my PC since i bought it but recently i have been having more problems then usual whit blue screen crashing whit many difrent errors. I have windows 7 pro 32-bit I tryed check my hard-drive and it dident show any error...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Brand New HP Laptop G62 Intel i5 - Frequent BlueScreenOfDeath Problem

    Hello - I have recently started to get the Windows 7 BSOD error with in couple of months after buying my laptop. No 3rd party updates, basic programs for watching videos/movies and use of MsOffice thats all I use the computer for. I removed the trial version of Norton that came preinstalled...