
  1. F

    Windows 7 MOTU 828MKII FW crashes windows 7 on startup or randomly later

    Hi, i hope you guys can help me. i got a motu 828 mk II FireWire lately and it crashes with BSOD and the following symptoms: 1) windows 7 BSOD on boot right after the windows logo before the login screen with a BSOD if i switch the Motu interface on when switching on the PC. 2) when i switch...
  2. Windows 7 Windows 7 is crashing all the time :-( Help me please..

    Hi guys, First of all, I'm new. The reason why I've joined this forum is simply: I have got some real issues with my Windows 7 pc. Since the purchase of my MOTU external soundcard, the MOTU UltraLite mk3 hybrid USB/Firewire. My PC keeps crashing all the time. But the last week, it even crashed...
  3. Windows 7 Instant BSOD on MOTU 828 MkII detection

    I just installed a clean version of Windows 7 64bit, installed the latest driver from MOTU, and now I'm getting an instant BSOD any time I try to connect my 828 MKII audio interface. Did not have issues with this setup prior to reinstall. I've come here from this thread on motunation...