
  1. Linux all* (actually any flavor of Linux) where to get it?

    I'm fairly seasoned with Ubuntu as my favorite flavor, mostly for it's relative easy of installation and use. But what about those who are new to Linux? I was without a hope myself and a few kind folks helped me along. so let me return the kindness for any newbie wanting to see what Linux is...
  2. Windows 10 Windows 10: Advice for new users-

    Hello everyone! I’m going to advise anyone who might be new to the Windows 10 Operating System on some of the finer nuances of Windows 10. First and foremost, should you come across the insider program (IP here out), if you are using a “production machine”, to mean, a PC/LAPTOP/Tablet that you...
  3. rMavericks, modders and studious newbies--here to prove Microsoft is back in black : subject--why do

    I would like to know how an open source operating system that has a community of total unknowns, pactching, work arounding, and supplementing constantly is a good thing. to make it work you do this you do that you utter this incantation . ..what. . . to save $89? I'm good with the household...
  4. 10+ mistakes Linux newbies make

    New desktop users can make plenty of mistakes (as can anyone). But knowing which mistakes to avoid, from the start, helps prevent a LOT of frustration. I’ve handled the topic of mistakes new Linux admins make, but never those of desktop users. Here are some of the most common Linux desktop...
  5. R

    Stickies and Help

    Drew has just raised an interesting point, regarding a sticky on an old, and constantly repeated, query. It is a topic which has troubled me for some time now. But, you can take the horse to water etc... How to get newbies (and a few others) to read stickies before asking a question. Like...
  6. Y

    Windows 7 Tips on Abyss PVP in Aion

    *Here are some very practical tips on Abyss PVP for those who have no experience of it in Aion, the information is given by MidnightTempest . Please have a look and have a good time here! 1. Items Needed for Abyss PVP: HP pots, mana pots, resurrection stones, the yellow potion which cancells...
  7. Windows 7 Installing for newbies

    I have put up a large .rar file on my host site,, to help those not familiar with installing Windows 7. It has the full follow through with all the essential files, ti customise afterwards. It could be of help to others also. Link Removed due to 404 Error
  8. Windows 7 Windows 7 social group

    I don't want to upset anyone here, but recently I recieved an invitation in my PM box to join the social group on this side for Windows 7 fanatics. On a site called " Windows 7 forums", isn't this a little conuterproductive? It would be diluting the main forums and robbing readers, particularly...