non responsive

  1. Windows 7 Non Responsive programs on Sleep

    Everytime I leave my house with my computer on, and I return most of my programs end up NOT RESPONDING How can I figure out what is causing this issue so my programs dont hang like this? Is there a log file I can view to see when and what causes issues, it seems to be happening a lot on my...
  2. Windows 7 Computer is totally freaking out....

    Hi Over the past couple of weeks my compputer has gone from being slow and semi responsive to completely non responsive. It started with it not installing updates properly, and then progressed to the computer not shutting down at all. I managed to get a system restore to work eventually, and...
  3. W

    Windows 7 Solved constant non responsive windows!

    edit: I still hope this helps someone, but the problem is back. Everything was flying after the driver was installed, but after the computer went to sleep, the incredibly frustrating problem is back. Even typing this is causing annoying lags. I have nothing installed except Firefox and Avast...