online gaming

  1. M

    Windows Vista Update KB942615 trouble

    Hi all,hope someone can help a newbie! I play tiger woods 06 and 08 on a vista computer and since my puter downloaded and installed update kb942615,everytime i try to log onto ea sports to play online,i get the message unable to display website. I went to ea sports and got info regarding this...
  2. N

    Windows Vista Browser stops working after a while

    Okay this issue has been banded around the internet for a while, but since we managed to solve the Vista "Black Screen with Documents folder" issue I am keen to see what we can do to solve this one. Basically the issue is. 1. After a while of not using the web browser (or sometmes while...
  3. X

    Windows Vista Random shutdowns

    Hi, Im starting to get really pissed off at the random shutdowns that occur when im playing games online. i have checked the error logs i get 2 events when this happens: Audit events have been dropped by the transport. The real time backup file was corrupt due to improper shutdown...