online privacy

  1. JMH

    Windows 7 Facebook page hacked - don't be next!

    Pfizer’s Facebook page hacked – don’t be next! | Naked Security
  2. JMH

    Windows 7 Does using Facebook put you at more risk elsewhere on the internet?

    Does using Facebook put you at more risk elsewhere on the internet? | Naked Security
  3. Andrea Borman

    Windows 7 Should you use Internet cafes?

    I was on holiday in Liverpool and Manchester and decided to leave my laptop, a Netbook at home and just use the Internet cafes. Some thing which I now regret. As I have found that the computers in the Internet cafes are very very slow,the software is out of date and the computers are poorly...
  4. Firecracker

    Windows 7 Steam Hijackers

    Hi I have steam, Last week I noticed my steam account was showing hours of gaming time for games that I always use and some games I haven't played at all. Then the other day I got home and saw "This Account is Currently Being used Elsewhere", and according to my Profile I was playing...
  5. RomaLatina

    Windows XP Need suggestions on parental control

    Hi, this really really has puzzled me for several days, so my sister has asked me to install some form of parental control on her two computers. It seems she caught her son looking at... things. I've offered to examine all these sites for suitability and got a shocking look!!! Seeing as how he's...