online storage

  1. J

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1

    Sinds ik windows 8.1 heb geinstalleerd kan ik alleen nog opslaan of openen vanuit de online opslag, graag wil ik opslaan op mijn schijven, maar kan in het opslagscherm niet naar de schijven en mappen. Groeten Jan van der Veeken
  2. Windows 7 Can Dropbox Sync My Inventory and Movie Catalog Databases Automatically?

    I have a small Dropbox account, which I can only think of a few ways to use. Before trying it out, I would like to get confirmation on whether the ideas will work? If I locate the database file for my inventory and movie catalog programs in the Dropbox folder on my computer, then remap those...
  3. Swapping upload and download speeds

    There is this thing I was always wondering about. There are many articles that explain why download speeds are slower than upload speeds and I understand that logic. But what confuses me is why can't one swap the upload speed with the download speed when needed? Let me explain... I have an...
  4. M

    Windows 7 SagarSehwag's Configuration

    General computer knowledge: Beginner Level of security risk: Low Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 OS architecture: 64 bit Non-admin account: No Real-time protection: ESET Smart Security 6RC {Maximum Settings} Firewall Mode: Interactive Mode HIPS Mode: Automatic Mode On-demand scanners...
  5. E

    Windows 7 Networking an External Harddrive for multiple OS access

    I was hoping to use my external WD Terabyte HD as a webshare/server/online HD. My intentions were to try and set up the harddrive to be accessible by anyone on the internet with ID and PASS. I have looked around and done some research on different ways to write/read on the harddrive. But FTP...
  6. Windows 7 Windows 7 Start Up Sound?

    Hi I have asked about changing the Windows 7 Start UP Sound in the past and found it impossible to do. I can't change it or find the Windows one so that I can substitute my own for it. What I'm wondering is if after disabling the standard startup sound is there a way to write a .bat file or...
  7. T

    Windows 7 Boost Your OneDrive Experience with SkyDrive Explorer: Drag and Drop File Uploads

    Hi all Dont know how many of you use skydrive from microsoft which gives you 25 gig of free online storage for your files. In the past it was a pain to upload to because you had to use a web interface and could only upload 5 files at a time. Today i found this call Skydrive Explorer, which...
  8. Unconvinced by Windows 7? Ubuntu 9.10 debuted today!

    By Tim Conneally, Betanews The latest version of Canonical's popular Linux distribution Ubuntu (9.10 "Karmic Koala") was officially released today and is now available for download. Among numerous performance improvements (Link Removed native jobs, Intel video driver acceleration switched...
  9. D

    Windows 7 SkyDrive...25 gigs online for free......

    Here's something you can play with while waiting for the RC. Sky Drive is a 25 gig online storage site from Microsoft. It's like having a 25 gig back up hard drive you can access anytime anywhere. You can share things with your friends.... it's free....check it out !! Link Removed :D