
  1. whoosh

    SATIRE Trump You Say ?

  2. K

    Best Picture Editor.

    What is the best editor in your opinion ? :)
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Possible Ancient Hybrid Human Skeleton In Peru? A Nurse Gives Her Opinion

    :shocked: :zoned:
  4. whoosh


  5. L

    Windows 8 Short survey for potential new Windows Store service

    Hi guys, I am looking to get the opinion of Windows8/ Windows Phone app developers as I am currently looking for a potential new service on Windows Store. The survey is very short (5 questions) and would very much appreciate to have your feedback. Link Removed Thanks in advance ^^
  6. Henry Wong


    I am looking at making a little cluster of servers for class and as a practice area for working with servers. Even though it is not for production I want it to be able to work as if it where. This question is about what you as individuals have to say, not really a right or wrong or concrete...
  7. lozzy123456

    Windows 7 whats the best User Account Picture (in your opinion)

    mine would be this one Link Removed or the one with the Pomeranian. there both cute
  8. sirloyne

    Windows 7 An Interesting Poll Idea

    Let’s assume that this was a perfect world, and when you bought a new computer they asked you what version of Windows you wanted on it. (This is a Windows poll, so that’s your choice.) Let’s also assume that all of the software you wanted to use would work and you could get all of your drivers...
  9. Mike

    Windows 8 Flip Opinion on Windows 8: "Makes consumers happy, but corporate IT people really sad"

    Do you agree with this assessment? Check out CNN's take on Microsoft Windows 8: FAQ: What you need to know about upgrading to Windows 8 - CNN.com
  10. S


    The new DFX 11 is sweet regarding user interface,but what does it has to offer,not much in my oppinion,it has some nice settings and so what? But SRS AUDIO ESSENTIALS is outstanding in every sence. Are we talking audio quality,DFX is very very far from SRS. I have both dsp`s installed but i...
  11. I

    Windows 8 Win 8 final: Would third party developers somehow be able to recreate start button unilities?

    Hi all, As Microsoft has removed all the codes to prevent third party developers to create utilities/software to reenable the start button in Windows 8, I would like to know your opinions about that. After the release of the final verison of Windows 8, do you think the developers somehow...
  12. Drew

    Windows 8 PDFs

    As I have discussed elsewhere, previously, there is less necessity to add certain software, plug-ins, utilities & such w/ Windows8. Between it & what is or will be current browsers (like IE10) a lot, that wasn't, native, now is. In many cases things, that act as apps, are seemingly redundant...
  13. Drew

    Windows 8 Another View on Win8 - Echos of Ted & Myself

    Link Removed Cheers, Drew
  14. Drew

    Windows 7 Grumbling

    What is served by grumbling? Many, may find things fun, easy, convenient, find a few things out over time & find things appealing. But, what is served by grumbling? I've found lots of neat, likable Features, have things arranged is using is comfy, I've discovered some cool paths to things...
  15. S

    Windows XP Did We need Window XP Back

    My question to all Forum posting folks that did we need Window Xp in customized way.Give your Opinion
  16. S

    Is Google A reason for Spamming?

    Hmm some time question rays in mind that "Is Spamming Offspring Of Google?"..Add answers come Yes.If we check our previous year history for social media website Spamming is less.Because at that Google don't update too much algorithm related to Website traffic but now Google Update is ready in...
  17. whoosh

    VIDEO Why Windows Sucks

  18. C

    Windows 7 MAINTANCE

    hello everyone does anyone have an oppinion about free alternatives to REGISTRY BOOSTER 2011 what is the best choice and why KIND REGARDS CASI
  19. S

    Internet Explorer 10.....you opinion!!!

    I want to know that is Internet Explorer 10 is ready.....and give your opinion.....on that browser
  20. alfred01

    Amy Winehouse Dies From Detox??

    First let me say I am not a Doctor. Second, I am a recovering addict who went through hell when I got clean and at times wanted to die. The family of Amy Winehouse thinks she died from getting off drugs and alcohol. I don't think this is possible. Dying from detox? I'd like to hear your opinion.