ordinal error

  1. T

    Windows XP The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000fd).

    Hi Everyone You may have already seen two previous threads from me about attempting to move a program from a Vista machine to an XP machine. I have now finally managed to get all the DLLs sorted out. The Ordinal 344 error was because I accidentally copied the wrong version of a DLL over...
  2. W

    Windows 7 ORDINAL NOT Found

    This is a problem that I created by doing something stupid. Like recovering my laptop with the recovery disks for my desktop. Now I am trying to recover my laptop. I have a message that says "ordinal 383 could not be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll." (HKCMD.EXE) When I go...
  3. W

    Windows 7 Ordinal 139 & 701

    Hi Am hoping someone can help me solve this riddle because it is driving me nuts. I do not use IE as my primary explorer! I installed SQL Server 2012 onto my PC to do some studying into SQL, but when I tried to launch Visual Studio it told me: "Visual Studio requires Internet Explorer 6.0 or...