pcie card

  1. M

    Every Windows version is swapping audio channels in games!

    Long story short: Every installation of Windows i do is swapping stereo channels L/R to R/L ONLY when running 3D applications. This is DEFINATELY a software/windows issue because windows sound test in sound panel or youtube stereo channel test is correct (channels arent swapped). Once i run...
  2. D

    Windows 7 USB 3 support in windows 7

    I have got v7.2 installed on my machine. All updates for win 7 are installed. Macrium reflect has performed beautifully up until now... Knowing that my machine is getting a little long in the tooth relative to USB performance, I installed a PCIe USB3 card from StarTech. After installation was...
  3. Windows 10 Stop updating my sound drivers...

    Hi Windows updated my sound drivers again, I saw that is was doing it but couldn't stop it. And once more my sound quit working. I need to get Windows to run the drivers that work for my card. I seems that, if you have drivers that work it should let you chose to use them. Anyone have any...
  4. Windows 10 Still having sound issues...

    Hi Just when I thought I had everything fixed Windows forced me to update my sound drivers again. I couldn't find any way to stop it, it showed that what it was updating was my Sound Blaster drivers. In the previous build I could tell it not to update those drivers but I don't see that option...