permissions error

  1. Russell

    Debian Linux version 9.5 directory permissions and WinSCP version 5.13.3 ( Build 8565 ).

    Attention: windowsForum members: This morning I finally figured out how to transfer files from Microsoft Windows 10 ( Home ) edition hard drive ( c: ) to my new Oracle VirtualBox Debian version 9.5 virtual machine ( VM ) operating system. If you receive the "Error message from server...
  2. Jim Gilcher

    Windows 10 need to get administrator permission to save to my documents

    Installed windows 10 a couple days ago I get a notice that I can 't save to my documents without admi permission. I am administrator It will allow to save to another folder (picures) How can I allow to save to documents
  3. D

    Windows 7 Problems with Home Networking

    I am trying to link up a DELL LAPTOP Home basic WIN 7 64bit OEM with a desktop running XP SP 3. The router is Quidway Huawei. I have run thru all the suggestions of putting Network discovery on etc and all the necessary services and options are ON. From the LAPTOP the DESKTOP PC is not...
  4. H

    Windows 7 Access Control/Security Tab problems....

    Lets start by saying I currently want my other half dead. Really painfully dead. My MereMale decided to play with the access control/Security tabs (Windows 7) within my neatly partitioned and organised drives. He says it was to stop the kids from stuffing things up, oh the irony. Anyways he...