persistent connections

  1. P

    Windows 7 Disappearing mapped network drive madness

    We have a small netwrok with one workgroup. We recently added a new machine running wn7Pro 64-bit. We had to fiddle for days with it just to make winXPpro and win2kPro workstations and their drives visible to it. That should be out-of-the-box automatic functionality, but it isn't because Win7Pro...
  2. Windows 7 Missing Network Drives

    Every now and then I will "lose" all of my network drives. Ending explorer.exe and reloading it always fixes the problem. Does it forget about my drives or something?! :o I have seen this once before in my life with XP, but since moving to 7, it has been a semi-regular occurrence (once a week...
  3. D

    Windows 7 "Could not reconnect all network drives" Problem

    Hello all: I've found several others having the same problem as I on this and other forums but no answer yet. I have a home network that includes an XP-based home server of sorts. I hang my Drobo off that server and share it to my home Network. On all my other PC's I access it as my "N" drive...