
  1. C

    Windows 7 Windows Picture Gallery icon (png)

    Hello, I've encountered a problem with my computer image setup. I'm tryng to fine the flower vase icon to use for png format pictures but all I'm getting is the shapes icon used for gif images. If there anyway I can fix the registry so I can have the flower vase icon back so I can be able to...
  2. D

    Windows 7 How do I get the entire song it fit in Windows Live Movie Maker?

    I have a picture and an MP3, I import it and it SAYS its at 120 something seconds, but when I hit play it only goes for 7 seconds. How do I get it to get the entire song to play with the picture?
  3. VIDEO Steam Trek: The Moving Picture (Star Trek Parody)

  4. Windows 7 whats the best User Account Picture (in your opinion)

    mine would be this one Link Removed or the one with the Pomeranian. there both cute
  5. Picture orientation set by a camera is not honored by Windows or Windows applications

    Link Removed
  6. D

    Windows 7 How can I set my picture here

    Hello, How can I set my picture here .. I will as soon as I can I will raise itself much too soon, and if you help me restart Link Removed I use windows 8 pro 9200
  7. P

    Windows 8 Duplicate account

    Something weird happened today when i logged off my laptop i see two of the same account with same username but the picture different like one big and small i only make one local account but i cannot get it why suddenly after logging off i got 2 same accounts please help me.
  8. C

    Windows 8 cant log in using picture, please help

    It used to work,then it no longer recognized my mouse clicks in picture (circles) Tried to delete picture and start fresh, with new picture, get "There was a failure during enrollment process." when trying to complete this please help,picture log in is very convientient
  9. P

    Windows 7 E Mail from Windows Explorer

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I am trying to e mail a picture from windows explorer on a Samsung rv511 with Windows7 Home Premium system. When I select the picture in explorer and select E Mail I get the message attach which I do then nothing happens. This may be of help but when I select...
  10. Unable to change background picture in Windows 7

    Resolve issues where you cannot chang your desktop background in Windows 7. More...
  11. Seach bar - Connection

    Hi. having issues with search on the site? the error CONNECTON TO LOCALHOST:9312 FAILED (ERRNO=111, MSG=CONNECTION REFUSED) connection is fine btw :P restarted etc n u no the rest :) i uploaded a good old picture for peeps to see :) Link Removed
  12. VIDEO The Creepiest picture in the internet

  13. Guess waht this is!

    simple game correct guesser posts a picture for us to guess Link Removed - Invalid URL
  14. N

    Combining Pictures to make larger landscape Picture

    How do you combine Pictures to make larger landscape Picture? Thanks in advance
  15. J

    Windows 7 having to scroll side ways

    Each time I got web site, I hve to scroll sie ways to center he picture. How can I fix tis issue?
  16. Windows 7 Moshi monsters glich

    i had a glich on moshi monsters here`s the picture
  17. edit the picture

    edit this :razz:
  18. Windows 7 MS Office Outlook 2007

    How do I add a picture into the body of an emial? I know how to add picture but when I do it adds it as an attachment that has to be opened. This is ok but I would really like to add it into the body of an email.
  19. N

    Windows 7 Preview window

    When I go to upload a picture I do not get my picture for preview it is a mountain picture...What do I have to do to get a preview of the picture I want to upload? Help...
  20. C

    Windows 7 Where Is The Default Account Picture?

    Hi all, First time here. My question is this. I have an HP laptop with Windows 7. The little square account picture that shows up at the password page and then again on the top of the start menu is a blue background with an HP in the middle. I changed the picture just to try it and now when I...