planetside 2

  1. Windows 7 They're back!~ BSOD's, that is.

    So it's been some time since my last BSOD thread. A lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same. Here's a quick rundown: Since my last post I was problem free up until the end of the month, then the BSOD's came back. I tried fixing them myself for a while, but finally gave in and started...
  2. Windows 7 Gave up, need BSoD help.

    After 2 years of trying to tackle this BSoD (and getting rather close!) I've finally given up and am asking for help. I've ran memtest, and RAMMon is unable to execute and comes up with errors. The BSoD's primarily happen while playing games such as Planetside 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and Warframe.
  3. Windows 7 BSOD please help.

    It started mostly to happen when I enter or exiting games (planetside 2) , but now it happens randomly whenever it wants to :/ getting win32k.sys and more sys files, what can be the reason?