pop up

  1. F

    Windows 7 Any way to stop the "Scan & Fix" dialog?

    Every time I plug in my thumb drive or iPod it pops up this dialog saying that there are errors on the drive and it should be scanned and fixed. Well, the first couple times I humored it but now I simply ignore it because it pops up every single time I put in some external storage device. Is...
  2. I

    Windows Vista Reinstall Internet Explorer?

    i'm not sure what's wrong w/ my ie8, but any new window is completely blank. i can't open any pop up links, but if i copy and paste the url, it works. i tried to download ie8 setup from microsoft and install, but it says it doesn't support the OS (as i got the vista version, and there's no...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Error Code: 0x8007045D - Windows Cannot Install Req'd Files

    Trying to install build 7000 on an OS-less machine. Everything works well in the installation until during the unpacking process I get this pop up error message: "Windows cannot install required files. Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart in the...
  4. I

    Windows Vista Itunes

    Hey I Keep Getting A Pop Up Window All The Time Constantly That The Apple Mobile Device Has Stopped Working
  5. S

    Windows Vista Vista - UAC settings

    Hello everyone first time on this site and forums ok down to business :D when u unclick UAC is there away to stop the Red Sheild icon pop up every time i know you can hide it but it always there if you know what i mean i was hoping that someone had a solution ! Thanks Spider