pop-up blocker

  1. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Fake Microsoft has locked your your computer, malware?

    Hi My wife just got one of those Microsoft has locked your computer because you are using a fake version of Windows messages. This one even had an official sounding voice playing a threatening message. The computer was locked up, so I Control Alt Deleted out and shut the computer down and...
  2. Hermitkrab

    Windows 10 Annoying Chrome Pop-Up Ad

    I'm getting a lot of annoying pop-up ads from Chrome browser while I'm browsing in the Edge browser, which I use most of the time. I have Chrome installed on my other laptop, and it's an OK browser. However, I use Edge and sometimes Firefox on my 2nd laptop and don't care to be bombarded by...
  3. Moondoggy

    Windows 10 Help! Web site has Edge is being held hostage by a web site

    I was using the new Edge browser on my laptop today to try to find a solution to a problem and now I have a new problem. I got onto a website that put up a prompt to install some software that I don't want. The prompt only has an option to install the software and when the prompt went up on...
  4. H

    Windows 8 [Solved] Problems with YouTube in IE 11

    I know this is a Windows forum, but the IE forum at MS is not producing any results. I am using IE 11 on a Windows 8.1 laptop. If I do a search and a YouTube shows up as one of the search results, it plays with no problems. But, I frequent a forum that has a feature that allows users to post...
  5. H

    Windows 7 downloading problem

    hi i have a big problem surffing the web , downloading is vey complecated for me . i use Ie8 as its on the windows 7 i chek my gmail or yahoo mail when i want to download the attached file after clicking on the download link nothing will happens no down load at all!!! if its an excel or word...