
  1. kemical

    Windows 7 P O R T A L

    Valve is providing the game Portal for Free until 24 May. There's no catch - as long as you download and install Portal prior to 24 May, you can keep playing it forever for free. The only requirement is that the Steam Client be installed. Portal is FREE! Now the offer is over. ---> Link...
  2. reghakr

    Windows 7 Nvidia launches anti-Intel Web site

    Nvidia today launched a new page within its Web site, one that’s pretty much in place to highlight anti-Intel information. The which they call “The Case for Innovation” Portal does have one section titled “GPU vs. CPU” that appears to focus on the technology. But the other sections of the site...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Taskbar problems

    I have come across some problems with the taskbar. I've pinned iTunes, Steam, Portal, Team Fortress 2 and Audiosurf (along with other things). The first day everything was working fine, but now there's problems. iTunes has the "unrecognizable file type" icon. When I click on Steam a new icon...