power problems

  1. D

    Windows 10 Windows has Started Shutting Down on Its Own

    Beginning last week, Windows 10 has begun to shut itself down randomly. I will be working away on some task or watching a video and boom, the screen goes dark. The power is on but the computer is off. It happened twice Wednesday evening and twice on Friday evening. It has not happened every day...
  2. Windows 7 Test PSU

    I ran a test on the PSU on my Lenovo Think Centre M52 8215 which won't power up any longer. It seems that while the ATX plug tests good, none of the others do. I would just assume that means that the PSU is bad, but what throws me is that I would have thought that at least the case fans would...
  3. Windows 7 SONY Vaio i7 crashes in windows 8

    My Laptop crashing without any information or blue screen. Its happening 1 or 2 times everyday. It just goes off and sometimes do not switch on for couple of minutes. I am attaching the log file of HWiNFO64. the temperatures are going up to 99C. Any solution for this problem ?
  4. C

    Windows Vista power supply

    :confused:How can i tell if it is the power supply or the motherboard is not working. For a few weeks it keep telling me there is not enough power getting to the vidoe card, and now the comp will not boot up. The power is on but when u go to open the cd drive up it takes a few seconds to open...