profile error

  1. Rapaaja

    Windows 7 Windows 7, I can't add user accounts

    Windows 7, I can't add user accounts The ASUS X73T computer with WIN 7 64 bit began to announce that the version of Windows I use is not genuine even though it is the machine's original system. The factory settings for the reset machine and the operating system were activated with the original...
  2. Hermitkrab

    Windows 10 Can't install Firefox browser

    I go to the Mozilla site and download FF, but it doesn't install. At the end of the installation, I get a message: " your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible. " I've tried several times on different days, but still the same Toshiba laptop L55-A5226, W10 Home...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Google Chrome Profile Version Error. Error message

    Google Chrome Profile Version Error. Error message Does anyone know why am I receiving these profile errors again and again from Chrome? I had installed an update on my recent Chrome. After updating, it didn’t work. So I installed the previous version of Google Chrome. Now, I am continuously...
  4. marstein

    Windows 7 User profile service failed logon.

    Last night I logged of my Windows 7 RC 64-bit laptop. This morning I log on and the logon takes longer than usual. Finally a non-aero desktop appears and a message is displayed that the desktop could not be loaded or that the profile is damaged. I logged off and on again, rebooted, but could not...
  5. J

    Windows 7 No longer able to logon

    Hi, I'm hoping someone here will be able to shed some light on a problem I've just had. Was using my laptop as normal, running the RC1 of Windows 7, checking my emails and looking on the internet (firefox 3). Outlook 2007 froze, not responding, then the whole laptop froze, and the aero...