
  1. Release Dates and Compatibility: Visual Studio 2015 and the Windows 10 SDK

    July will be a big month for developers with the releases of Visual Studio 2015, Windows 10, and the Universal Windows App Development Tools, which includes the Windows 10 SDK. The purpose of this post is to make you aware of the key dates and some things to keep in mind with regard to version...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Windows XP machines not seen on Windows 7 explorer

    Hi . I dont know if this is in the right place, or whether it is should be in networking, and not been able to see anything relating to this when searching the forum itself. We have two domains both linked with a trust relationship, one has our windows 7 workstations and the other has a number...
  3. Windows 7 PEX4FUN WP7: A Mobile Game for Programmers

    Link Removed is a Windows Phone 7 game for programmers and even folks who are casually interested in learning how to program - on a mobile phone. This game includes "Intellisense" (automatic code completion as you type), support for C# and VB.NET, many thought-provoking puzzles that programmers...
  4. Windows 7 Talking XNA with Shawn Hargreaves and Charles Cox

    Ever wanted to make your own game? XNA Game Studio enables game development for everyone on Windows, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7. Join Shawn Hargreaves and Charles Cox as they dive into the world of Indie game development, and answer community questions about XNA Game Studio, the XNA Creators...
  5. VIDEO VMWare Workstation 7.1.1: The Power of Virtualization

    My latest video review takes a look at the raw and unbelievable performance in VMWare Workstation 7.1.1, running 3 operating systems simultaneously under a Windows 7 64-bit host machine. Hi, this is Mike from Windows 7 Forums, and we’ve got a good one for you this morning. Today, we’re checking...
  6. R

    Windows 7 PHP5 compatibility issue with Win7 RC?

    Hi, I have been running Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and Wordpress on an XP system, I then migrated to Vista. All worked fine. I just upgraded to Win7 RC and installed the 32 bit version of Apache 2.2.11 (I'm running a quadcore 64 bit AMD system). Since not everything I listed above has...
  7. Windows 7 Halo 2 Installer - Missing dwmapi ordinal

    Anyone have any luck getting Halo 2 to work? I get the following error when I try to install it on 32-bit Windows 7: The ordinal 125 could not be located in the dynamic link library dwmapi.dll. Looks like someone coded with the assumption that the DWM API DLL would not change AT ALL between...