project templates

  1. News

    A deep-dive into WinUI 3 in desktop apps

    XAML Islands was our first solution to enable developers to use UWP XAML inside their desktop (Win32) apps. Within a couple of months after the release of XAML Islands, behavioral insights and customer interviews raised some signals about how developers were using it. We discovered that a...
  2. News

    Intense UWP Templates with the Intense Toolkit and some Logo help

    It's Winter Break for many of us and being the geeks we are, we're looking for something to develop... :) When kicking off a new project, many times it can really help starting from an existing Project Template. We've highlighted the cool UWP templates from FirstFloor before, Go beyond "Blank...
  3. News

    Turning your Windows 10 Project Templates up to 10 with Template10!

    We're back with a Theme Week, this time focusing on... wait for it... Windows 10 (Okay, I had a number of Win10 posts in the queue, so thought this a good means to get them out. :) Visual Studio Project Templates are great tools to help you kick off a new project quickly. They can help scaffold...
  4. News

    Go beyond "Blank App" with these Windows 10 VS 2015 Project Templates

    Like many of you, I'm looking at jumping into developing Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform apps. So like most of you, I fire up Visual Studio, New Project and look for a Project Template to help me hit the ground running. Let's see, for creating a Windows 10 app there's... one UI template...
  5. News

    Hello, Windows 10 IoT Core

    Greetings, Makers! We are excited to announce the public release of Link Removed for the Link Removed and the Link Removed. Visit the Windows IoT Dev Center to choose your target board, then walk through the steps to provision your board, acquire the tools, and get started Making. This release...
  6. News

    Visual Studio 2013 SDK Samples Released

    For the past few months we've been highlighting projects and examples that extend Visual Studio in one way or another. Well today's post is the "Mother of all Visual Studio Extensibility Post." Why? When the examples come from the Visual Studio Product Team itself, that's hard to beat... :)...
  7. News

    Windows 7 Visual Studio Toolbox: Building Metro Style Apps with XAML

    The Windows 8 Consumer Preview has been available for download for about a month now and if you haven't started building Metro style apps, now is a good time. In this episode, Robert takes a look at how you can use Visual Studio 11 to start building Metro style apps for Windows 8. Robert will...