Intense UWP Templates with the Intense Toolkit and some Logo help


Extraordinary Robot
It's Winter Break for many of us and being the geeks we are, we're looking for something to develop... :)

When kicking off a new project, many times it can really help starting from an existing Project Template.

We've highlighted the cool UWP templates from FirstFloor before, Go beyond "Blank App" with these Windows 10 VS 2015 Project Templates and they've not been idle. Recently the templates have been rebranded as the Intense Toolkit...

Intense Toolkit for Universal Windows Platform


Controls, templates, and tools for building Universal Windows Platform apps on Windows 10. The Intense toolkit consists of two parts; a library of controls and helpers distributed as NuGet package, and a Visual Studio extension with project templates for creating new UWP apps.

Intense Templates

Adds new project and item templates to Visual Studio 2015 for creating Universal Windows apps. The templates are available in both C# and Visual Basic flavors.


The project templates are designed for both desktop and mobile scenarios. The adaptive layout ensures your app looks great on screens of any size, and is a perfect fit for Continuum.

Continuum enables your mobile app to run on a large screen with keyboard and mouse support.


Download the VSIX installer from the Visual Studio Gallery. Alternatively, search for intense in the Extensions and Updates dialog in Visual Studio 2015.


[Click through for the download links, GitHub Repo and more]

Once you've created your UWP app, one of the drudgery steps can be dealing with all the logo you'll need.

That's where this Project will come in VERY handy...

Windows Universal App Image Scaler

This is a Visual Studio extension that allows for easy logo image creation. It takes large source images (square and wide) and creates resized copies that are used for app logos and splash screens in Windows Universal Apps.

Right click any .png image and choose the new "Scale image..." context menu item.

If the file already has a scale (like scale-400.png) in its filename, then you will be given the option to generate the smaller scales.

If the file doesn't have a scale-xxx in its name, then you will be given the option to generate either square or wide images for Windows Universal App manifests. Depends on if your image is a square or not. It's best to start with really large images so that a lot of smaller scales can be generated.





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