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    Windows 7 My antivirus keeps on finding InfoAxe?

    I've never downloaded InfoAxe but it keeps showing that it exists in my computer. I've quarantined and deleted everything but it keeps showing up again.. If I type flipora in the search bar in the start menu it's showing a registry file named cc_(numbers) <--Random numbers, but I forgot. How...
  2. Windows XP Microsoft Office 97 did not install because of AUTOEXEC.NT, Can Ignore Button continue or BSOD?

    Long Story short: I installed Windows on last summer or last 5 months from the past, Then My dad installed for me the D-Link because EZ driver was damaged, I thought I was installing Mozilla, Posting on Tom's Hardware where it causes the problems, I uninstalled Win8 Transform Pack, and I'm...
  3. NEWS Suspected Ebola patient quarantined at JPMC in Karachi

    KARACHI: A 47-year-old man from Karachi was admitted into the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) on Monday morning on suspicion of contracting the deadly Ebola virus. Muhammad Haroon arrived in Karachi by Qatar Airways from Monrovia, the capital of Liberia – one of the West African...
  4. NEWS NBC's Nancy Snyderman mysteriously absent from network after Ebola scandal

    Nancy Snyderman has yet to return to NBC News after being quarantined in an Ebola scare in October. The doctor and chief medical correspondent was one of a group of people forced into mandatory isolation for 21 days after cameraman Ashoka Mukpo was diagnosed with Ebola while the crew documented...
  5. NEWS Notable Absence of New Ebola Quarantines at New York Area Airports

    A day after a doctor who had returned from Guinea about a week earlier became New York’s first Ebola case, the governors of New York and New Jersey announced that they would begin quarantining travelers who had been in contact with Ebola patients in West Africa. The move, which went beyond...
  6. NEWS Man with suspected Ebola on the run

    Police and health authorities are searching for a man who arrived from Sierra Leone and was suspected of carrying the Ebola virus disease, after he failed to report for daily physical checkups from Nov... The Sierra Leone national aged 31, identified as Sesay Samuel, arrived at Suvarnabhumi...
  7. NEWS Man returning from Liberia tests positive for Ebola in Delhi; another suspected case in Rajasthan

    In the first case of Ebola in the country, an Indian national returning from Liberia has tested positive for the deadly virus and has been quarantined at a special facility at Delhi airport. The Health Ministry said the 26-year-old man, who reached here on November 10, was already treated for...
  8. NEWS Mali tries to trace 343 contacts in second Ebola wave

    (Reuters) - Mali is trying to trace as many as 343 people linked to confirmed and probable Ebola victims in an effort to control its second Ebola outbreak, health officials said on Friday. An initial batch of contacts linked to a 2-year-old from Guinea who died of Ebola last month were close to...
  9. VIDEO Ebola infected TV cameraman transported to Nebraska

    :eek: :zoned:
  10. VIDEO Lara Logan shoots story on Ebola in Liberia, forgets to interview Africans, gets 'self-quarantined'

    CBS News reporter Lara Logan made waves after going to Liberia to film a story on the Ebola epidemic but not interviewing a single Liberian, who were ignored for American experts. Despite not contacting any Ebola patients, Logan and her crew "self-quarantined" themselves in a luxury hotel in...
  11. NEWS Nurse who fought Maine Ebola quarantine moving out of state: report

    (Reuters) - A nurse who treated Ebola patients in West Africa and publicly fought quarantine orders in New Jersey and Maine after returning to the United States last month has decided to move away from her home state, a newspaper in Maine reported. Related Stories Link Removed Reuters Link...
  12. NEWS Louisiana bars Ebola researchers from conference

    Thirty Ebola experts who traveled recently to West Africa, including an official of the World Health Organization, have been banned from attending a New Orleans medical meeting about infectious diseases. The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals has warned doctors and others who returned...
  13. VIDEO Inside a High-Security Ebola Isolation Chamber

    :zoned: :andwhat:
  14. NEWS Thousands break Ebola quarantine in Sierra Leone to find food

    DAKAR, Senegal: Thousands of people in Sierra Leone are being forced to violate Ebola quarantines to find food because deliveries are not reaching them, aid agencies said. Large swaths of the West African country have been sealed off to prevent the spread of Ebola, and within those areas many...
  15. NEWS Fresh Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone raises fears of new infection chain

    Koinadugu had prided itself on being the only area to have kept Ebola at bay by operating self-imposed quarantine system A fresh outbreak of Ebola in a part of Sierra Leone where the virus was thought to have been contained has raised fears of a new, uncontrolled infection chain that could send...
  16. NEWS Ebola-infected New York doctor improves; Dallas nurse reunited with dog

    (Reuters) - A New York doctor with Ebola, whose case triggered a national debate over mandatory quarantines for health workers returning from West Africa, was upgraded to stable condition on Saturday after nine days of treatment. Dr. Craig Spencer, 33, the only person in the United States...
  17. NEWS US ambassador questioned at JFK after Ebola visit

    The US ambassador to the United Nations has been questioned at a New York airport immediately after returning from Ebola-stricken West Africa. Samantha Energy arrived at John F Kennedy airport on Thursday on a US government plane just after visiting Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, 3 countries...
  18. NEWS U.S Soldiers Under Ebola Quarantine in Italy told to go Home

    Veneto President Luca Zaia on Wednesday said Italy should not allow U.S. soldiers returning from Ebola-stricken Liberia to be quarantined in Italy. Since Sunday, 11 soldiers back from active duty in the West African nation have been kept in isolation at the U.S. army base in Vicenza, a town in...
  19. VIDEO Ebola outbreak: Maine will try to enforce Hickox quarantine

    :eek: :zoned:
  20. NEWS White House warns Christie and Cuomo over Ebola quarantine rules

    White House officials warned the governors of New York and New Jersey of the “unintended consequences” of quarantining all medical workers returning from west Africa, as a political crisis deepened on Sunday over how to counter public fears about the spread of Ebola in the US. At first, amid a...