
  1. S

    How to Use QuickAssist with a Local Account on Windows 11

    Hello, I have used Windows since 3.1, I now use Windows 11 with a local account, I am old school like that. Could someone help me use QuickAssist with a local account, thank you everyone. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/install-quick-assist-c17479b7-a49d-4d12-938c-dbfb97c88bca
  2. ART A Quick Note

  3. VIDEO Superior PL-259 installation SHORT Quick and Easy LMR-400

  4. F

    Windows 7 Defragger software

    I do not like the win7 defragger - It is very slow. I found a 3rd party program called "Auslogics Disk Defragger". I like it as it seems to do the job and is quick about it. Malwarebytes sees it as Malware and has quarantined it. Does anyone have any info about this software? Thanks.
  5. Windows 10 WIndows 10 install done

    Finally had time yesterday to do the upgrade, quick and painless. It took 40 minutes from start of download to win10 desktop. Still running the beta in a Vbox, I'll keep that for a while to see what new thing they push out to us.
  6. VIDEO Easy, Cheap & Quick Halloween Costume Ideas

    :eek: :razz: :rofl: Don't try this at home kids :eek: :noway:
  7. Windows 8 What's so great about Windows8?

    A wee anecdote (w/ a moral): Now, to approach this in my own way & maybe, hopefully put a message across... People often ask me, what's so special about Windows8. OR, "I can't see any reason to want it over what I have" OR "that damned UI & those blasted APPs" OR why is it any better...
  8. L

    Windows 7 What is a free filehosting service with quick upplod no need to sign up?

    What is a free filehosting service with quick upplod no need to sign up?
  9. C

    Windows 7 Help please!!! - quick!!!!!!!!!

    Hello I need to know QUICK, if Windows 7 Build 7022 can receive updates from microsoft!!! Or will it not be because it's just a "build" as in an internal build that isn't ment to be tested by the general public!!??!?! I have it and I want to install it but if it can't receive updates than I'll...