quota underflow

  1. M

    Windows 7 BSOD Quota Underflow

    I was working in Visual Studio 2012 when my antivirus turned off and my windows defender turned off. I started shutting down all my applications so I could reboot when I got the BSOD and the Quota Underflow message. I have grabbed all of the dump files and I am looking for some help. I have...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Bsod help

    Hi everyone, I have had several bsods over the past few days and I cant not seem to figure them out, i reinstalled windows 7 and still nothing. My last bsod was a quota_underflow and it happened when i closed a browser window. The other bsod I have been receiving are system service exception...
  3. B

    Windows 7 Windows7 7127 problems

    hello to all:) i am having a problem installed win7 7127 x64 few days ago and now i am having some problems,so every few hours i get BSOD sometimes i get quota underflow messge and sometimes systems_service_exception.... i thought maybe overclock is unstable but when i put all to stock...