
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Radioactivity In Our Ocean: Fukushima & Its Impact On The Pacific

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Nuclear Watch: Fukushima - A View From The Ocean (06/05/2014)

    :andwhat: :zoned:
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO (30 July 2014) Fukushima Deadlier Than Ever - Jeff Rense & Dr. Bill Deagle

    :shocked: :zoned:
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Updates on Fukushima Fairewinds Associates - Arnie Gundersen - August 21, 2011

    "Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds' April analysis that the nuclear core at Fukushima Daiichi turned on and off after TEPCO claimed its reactors had been shutdown. This periodic nuclear chain reaction (inadvertent...
  5. whoosh

    Parent anger plays role in Japan's reversal of raised radiation limits at schools

    Japan's Education Ministry has pulled an about-face, returning exposure limits for schoolchildren 1 millisievert a year. Officials will also pay for removing surface soil from affected schoolyards.[/h]The parents were furious: Why, they demanded, had Japanese officials raised the acceptable...
  6. whoosh

    Nuclear plant workers suffer internal radiation exposure after visiting Fukushima

    The government has discovered thousands of cases of workers at nuclear power plants outside Fukushima Prefecture suffering from internal exposure to radiation after they visited the prefecture, the head of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. Most of the workers who had internal...
  7. whoosh

    How Much Radioactivity Is in the Oceans After Japan Nuclear Power Plant Disaster?

    Radionuclides in seawater have been reported from the Fukushima plant's discharge canals, from coastal waters five to ten kilometers south of the plant, and from 30 kilometers offshore. "Levels of some radionuclides are at least an order of magnitude higher than the highest levels in 1986 in...
  8. whoosh

    Poisoning Mother Earth: America's Gulf and Fukushima

    As best we know it, the shocking truth is that preventable disasters keep proliferating life destroying contamination globally. Yet news about them is suppressed, so few people everywhere are unaware how calamitously they're being harmed. As a result, distinguished environmental researcher...
  9. whoosh

    Radioactivity at Fukushima No.3 Reactor Continues to Leak into Ocean !

    Tokyo, May 15 (QNA) - The operator of Japan''s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant announced that radioactive materials continue to leak into the ocean near the plant. The Tokyo Electric Power Company said 140 becquerels of cesium-134 per cubic centimeter, was measured on Saturday morning near...
  10. cybercore

    [BBC] Fukushima: What happened - and what needs to be done

    A month has elapsed since the emergency at Fukushima began. But what exactly has gone on there and what are the priorities now? One way of looking at the drama that has unfolded around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors is as a narrative with one central plot, and a number of...
  11. whoosh

    Dangerous radiation level at Fukushima No.1 reactor detected

    The recent 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami in Japan triggered a number of explosions at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which caused the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986. The radiation levels in the building exceed expected levels reaching as high as 700 millisieverts per...
  12. whoosh

    High concentration of radioactive water found in Fukushima's No. 4 reactor

    A concentration of radioactive water in the basement of the No. 4 reactor's turbine building at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant became abnormally high, reaching a maximum of 250 times normal monthly levels, according to Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) on April 26. Radioactive...
  13. whoosh

    Calculation Mistake = So what about all the low level radioactive Water ?

    So now the Japanese have told us they made a mistake in calculating the actual amount of radioactivity being spewed out into the enviroment . So when they dumped all that , low level radioactive water into the, Pacific are they sure it was low level ? If they can make a mistake once I am sure...
  14. whoosh

    German Ports Unsure How to Deal with Contaminated Ships

    Link RemovedIn a matter of weeks, ships from Japan which may be carrying cargo contaminated by radiation will start arriving in Europe. But the authorities in ports such as Hamburg are unsure how they should deal with them. German port operators are nervously awaiting the expected arrival of...
  15. whoosh

    Closing Ranks: The NRC, the Nuclear Industry, and TEPCo. Are Limiting the Flow of Information

    The lack of information in Japan at this stage is amazing: - We get some meaningless aggregates of radioactivity but no breakdown which would help understand what exactly is happening. - We hear about the "fight" to stop the "leak" to the sea but nothing about the pool at reactor number 4. We...
  16. whoosh

    Strontium Isotopes Detected in Moscow - Japan, Canada and U.S. Have Some Explaining To Do

    According to an article by Agence France Presse on April 1,"Radon, a company set up in Moscow to monitor radioactivity and dispose of radioactive waste in central Russia, has been detecting traces of iodine and strontium isotopes since last week, deputy director Oleg Polsky said." ["Moscow...
  17. whoosh

    Japanese Fish Dangerously Contaminated By Fukushima

    With measurements of iodine 131 and the much worse cesium 134 isotopes detected at 7.5 and two million times past their “regulated levels” and contaminated water pouring into the Pacific Ocean, this was inevitable: the fish are contaminated too. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reports that...
  18. whoosh

    Leaks send radioactivity into ocean at Fukushima, cleanup to take years

    Link RemovedWorkers in Japan are still struggling to limit environmental contamination at the Fukushima plant. The latest problem has been a break that is allowing heavily contaminated water flow directly into the ocean, a leak that has continued despite two attempts to plug it. Meanwhile...
  19. whoosh

    Fukushima: the future is unknown, but the present is terrible enough

    Link RemovedEvacuees rest at a shelter after being transferred from an elder care facility in Kesennuma, northern Japan. Photograph: Masami Kawakita/AP Of all the grim headlines to have emerged from Japan in recent weeks, this one on the Kyodo newswire was particularly disturbing: "Up to 1,000...
  20. cybercore

    Was There a Natural Nuclear Blast on Mars? Ever wonder why the red planet is red?

    Link Removed Ever wonder why the red planet is red? About 180 million years ago, a planet-shattering yet naturally occurring nuclear reaction may have wiped out everything on Mars, sending a shockwave that turned the planet into dry sand. Even more incredible: A natural nuclear...