raspberry pi

  1. News

    Bringing Node.js to Windows 10 IoT Core

    Microsoft is making big Link Removed in the Internet of Things (IoT). Windows 10 IoT will power a range of intelligent, connected IoT devices. From small devices like gateways, to mobile point-of-sale to powerful industry devices like robotics and specialty medical devices. At the //build...
  2. News

    Expanding the Universal Windows Platform at Build 2015

    Starting today at Link Removed in San Francisco, we’re going deep on details around Windows 10. This morning, Link Removed described our goal to bring Windows 10 to a billion devices over the next two-three years, and showed off a number of innovations that will help us reach more individual...
  3. News

    Coding4Fun First Quarter 2015 Round-Up

    I look back on this past quarter and kind of say, "wow." So much has been released, there was so much news that even with this round-up, it's hard to grok it all. Then I try to imagine what the NEXT quarterly round-up, post BUILD/Ignite, will look like [Brain Explodes]... Coding4Fun Blog...
  4. Josephur

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Athens

    I'm looking for any sources for Windows 10 Athens as I'm interested in doing a tutorial on getting it up and running on the Raspberry Pi. Anyone? Here's what I've gleamed so far about the Athens build: 1) Microsoft is developing a version of Windows 10 for IoT (Athens) 2) Windows 10 Athens...
  5. News

    Two Raspberry PI LED Examples

    Rich Dudley reached out to me and based on our recent Raspberry PI posts, suggested I highlight his Blinking an LED with Raspberry Pi 2 and C# Mono post. I almost immediately replied to say it was already in the queue, but double checked first. There was indeed a Raspberry PI 2 LED post in the...
  6. News

    Developing for the Windows 10 Device Platform

    This week at WinHEC, we were able to talk to silicon, hardware, and device partners about the advances we are making in Windows 10 to simplify building Windows devices, drivers, and apps. Some of the key advances we disclosed this week include: The Windows 10 device platform allows IHVs to...
  7. News

    Raspberry PI 2 and the Microsoft Band

    With the recent release of the Microsoft Band SDK Preview, it seems right to highlight those of you how are building cool stuff with it... And if we mix in some IoT, well... woot! Joost van Schaik is mixing in just about everything, Microsoft Band, Raspberry PI 2, Mono, C# and even Windows...
  8. News

    Faster, Windows 10-compatible Raspberry Pi 2 released

    A new, faster version of the Raspberry Pi - the low-cost micro-computer evangelised by Elite co-creator David Braben - has been released by the foundation behind the project (thanks, BBC ). The new Raspberry Pi 2 features a quad-core processor instead of a single-core, and packs twice as much...
  9. News

    Windows 10 Coming to Raspberry Pi 2

    This blog was written by Kevin Dallas, General Manager, Windows IoT Group. Today the Link Removed announced the retail availability of their new board, the Raspberry Pi 2. We’re excited to join the Foundation in also announcing that Windows 10 will support Raspberry Pi 2, which will be free for...
  10. D

    Windows 7 Proxy server at home. Autoconnect when traveling?

    I recently read an article on using a Raspberry Pi as a proxy server. The article talked about using my laptop on a public WiFi and how that's not secure (which is why I don't use public WiFi for anything that requires security such as banking etc). The article talked about setting up an SSH...
  11. whoosh

    VIDEO Philip (age 7) first game written on the Raspberry Pi

  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Raspberry Pi's first school trip

  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Raspberry Pi Tutorial 1 - An Introduction to Debian Linux

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Raspberry Pi @ Farnell
