reboot error

  1. NerferMC

    Windows 8 'npsvctrig.sys' causing BSOD on Windows 8.1

    I'm starting to get frequent Bluescreens, always having an error code PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. I checked the event viewer, before the bluescreen, there is an event called 'npsvctrig.sys' with FilterManager File System Filter 'npsvctrig' (6.3, ‎2013‎-‎08‎-‎22T12:10:04.000000000Z) has...
  2. Brian60

    Windows 7 Boot Install Windows 7 from USB

    Ok, I am trying to boot from my flash drive and re-install windows 7 and I used the Windows 7 USB DVD download tool, I have the option to boot from the flash drive but when I do instead of loading windows and installing it, it comes up "Reboot and Select proper boot device or Insert Boot Media...
  3. Commander_Cool

    Windows 7 Cannot change back after changing boot device priority

    Hello. OK, this is not a Windows 7 related/caused problem, but as I am desperate for help and have received excellent help on this site in the past, I thought I might try anyway. When I started up my other PC this morning, it never got past the first screen, the one where I have a choice of...
  4. S

    Windows Vista Vista Reboot Loop

    Anytime I restart by clicking restart on the start menu or when a program wants to restart, vista will reboot and and just loop in a reboot mode constantly until I press the power button on my computer and turn in off that way and then when I turn it back on it's fine and boots into windows...