regular user

  1. Rapaaja

    Windows 7 Windows 7, I can't add user accounts

    Windows 7, I can't add user accounts The ASUS X73T computer with WIN 7 64 bit began to announce that the version of Windows I use is not genuine even though it is the machine's original system. The factory settings for the reset machine and the operating system were activated with the original...
  2. M

    Windows 8 logging on as admin

    In earlier versions of Windows we were advised not to login as admin for everyday computing but to login as an ordinary user instead for security reasons. Now I have Windows 8.1 and discovered that I am always "admin" and that in order to create a regular user account it's different. I would...
  3. B

    Windows 7 Application Layer Security

    A lot of people here asking what is the best way to secure ones windows PC, what is the best antivirus out there etc. There is no best for a single person, since we are all different and so are our needs. There have been many threads just showing you different security products, but i...