remote login

  1. Windows 10 Remove old remote desktop zoom setting

    I've made a change to Windows that will zoom or double the pixels when remote loggin ind. I'd like to remote this setting. 2-3 year af ago I got a 4K laptop that when loggin ind via remote desktop (mstsc.exe) would make everything miniscule. Somehow I made a change, i think to the registry...
  2. P

    Windows 8 Disabling Remote Login

    Hello, I am trying to prevent getting spied on over my LAN. I believe the only way for this to be done is for the sleuth to use remote login. I have very little knowledge on networking, and am assuming the solution has something to do with disabling incoming ports on Windows Firewall. Thank you...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Remote Desktop Optimisation

    Hi Guys, I really love my Lenovo T61p, specifically I love the 1920x1200 resolution that you don't get nowadays. Even though it's a well spec'd out laptop, the problem is that it is choking at times with the payload of software I want to run simultaneously - I'm a web developer that works from...
  4. P

    Windows 7 a device attached to the system is not functioning

    I am getting this error, a device attached to the system is not functioning, when I try and log in remotely after I have successfully logged in before. Also I get the same error when I try and log in locally. Thanx