repair shop

  1. Asiankwok

    Windows 10 Taskhostw.exe

    Specs: i7 8700k GTX 1080 32GB DDR4 RAM Details: A couple of weeks back I noticed my PC slowing down, lots of lag whilst editing in Premiere Pro and games became unplayable, giving me less than 50 frames, I don't have a fps monitor but I'd say near to 10-20 fps. I did a bit of digging and...
  2. V

    Windows 8 Windows 8 pc is hanging often

    My windows 8 pc is hanging so often for last 2 months. Previously, it worked without any problem for some 6-7 months. Now it hangs just like that. While I am working, mouse cursor stops responding, keyboard keys stop appearing on screen, the power led on cpu cabinet remains red without blinking...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Too many BSOD's, too little time

    This is my 3rd Home built, 1st time with BSOD issues. On my 4th reinstall of Win 7. All new hardware. Minidump analysis and Performance Report attached. To isolate the problem, I have only loaded the video driver,(no apps, no data) and still get BSOD's indicating a ntkrnlmp.exe cause. (Not...