resume problems

  1. News

    Stop Error 0x0000000A when you try to resume a Windows 7-based computer from sleep or...

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  2. News

    You cannot access offline files that were configured in a DFS namespace on a Windows 7-based client

    Fixes an issue that occurs when you resume a Windows 7-based client computer from sleep (S3) mode or from hibernate (S4) mode or when you disconnect from and then reconnect to the network on the computer. More...
  3. News

    "0x0000008E" Stop error when Windows 7 enters and then resumes from standby repeatedly if Windows XP

    Fixes an issue in which a "0x0000008E" Stop error occurs when Windows XP Mode is running on a Windows 7-based computer. This issue occurs when the computer enters and then resumes from standby repeatedly. More...
  4. adabo

    Windows 7 Hang after resume from "Turn Off The Display"

    Yes. I've found another little problem. I have the power settings set to turn off the display after 30 minutes. Whenever I resume work, the screen stays black. Ctrl+Alt+Del ha a very slow response and goes to the blue selection screen. None of the selections work. Thus I have to reboot. I will...
  5. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 laptop Sleep issue? x32 7057

    if the laptop lid is closed it enters sleep on no battery when i noticed it would lockup upon resume being a black screen or the "locked" screen with cursor disabled and nothing responding with the power light green as if it resumed normally which only a reboot would resolve. 99% related to the...