risk management

  1. News

    Can Microsoft's Windows 8 really do it all?

    Microsoft’s biggest risk with Windows 8 revolves around the familiar themes that always haunt the company: Reverse compatibility and the need to make Windows the Swiss Army knife of computing. Source: Yahoo! News
  2. reghakr

    Seismologists face manslaughter charges for not predicting quake

    I happen to live in something of an earthquake zone and it seems that these things do happen quite randomly, such as when you're sitting at home watching TV. However, some in Italy feel that it's about time seismologists were held responsible for their supposed ability to recognize when a...
  3. News

    Windows 7 Applying SDL Requirements practices within Windows Azure

    Robert Mooney and Chris Weber explain the similarities and differences in planning for security and privacy when deploying to Windows Azure, and explain how to map the existing and new risks to the cloud-based environment. Link Removed More...
  4. News

    April 2011 Security Bulletin Release

    Hello again everyone, Pete Voss here, and as I previously mentioned in the Advanced Notification blog on Thursday, today we are releasing 17 security bulletins, nine of which are Critical, and eight rated Important. These bulletins will increase protection by addressing 64 unique...
  5. whoosh

    Fukushima watch 2011-04-11Posted: 11 Apr 2011 03:37

    reports that Tepco is using remote-controlled bulldozers and power shovels for clearing rubble around the wrecked reactor. While it’s good news that Tepco finally can perform some cleanup work without putting workers at risk, the bad news is how necessary such equipment may be. The New York...
  6. whoosh

    Japan Earthquake Highlights U.S. Nuclear Risk, Scientists Say

    NEW YORK (Reuters) – The massive earthquake that forced the closure of four nuclear power plants in Japan has highlighted the grave risk of inadequate back-up generators at U.S. facilities, a leading U.S. scientist group said on Friday. While the U.S. regulator made clear that the national...
  7. News

    VIDEO February 2011 Security Bulletin Release

    Hello all -- Today, as part of our monthly security bulletin release, we have 12 bulletins addressing 22 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows, Office, Internet Explorer, and IIS (Internet Information Services). Three bulletins are rated Critical, and these are the bulletins we recommend for...
  8. News

    Microsoft Releases Security Advisory 2488013

    Hello, Today we released Security Advisory 2488013 to address a public vulnerability that could affect customers using Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 if they visit a website hosting malicious code. Currently the impact of this vulnerability is limited and we are not aware of any affected...
  9. Firecracker

    Windows 7 Steam Hijackers

    Hi I have steam, Last week I noticed my steam account was showing hours of gaming time for games that I always use and some games I haven't played at all. Then the other day I got home and saw "This Account is Currently Being used Elsewhere", and according to my Profile I was playing...
  10. News

    MS10-080 - Important: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Excel Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2293211)

    Bulletin Severity Rating:Important - This security update resolves thirteen privately reported vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office. The vulnerabilities could allow remote code execution if a user opens a specially crafted Excel file or a specially crafted Lotus 1-2-3 file. An attacker who...
  11. News

    Microsoft Security Advisory (2269637): Insecure Library Loading Could Allow Remote Code Execution -

    Revision Note: V1.0 (August 23, 2010) Advisory published. Advisory Summary:Microsoft is aware that research has been published detailing a remote attack vector for a class of vulnerabilities that affects how applications load external libraries. Link Removed due to 404 Error
  12. News

    TA10-194B: Oracle Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities

    Oracle Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities Syndicated from the United States Security Readiness Team (US-CERT). Link Removed - Invalid URL
  13. whoosh

    VIDEO 7 Things Every CEO Should Know About Information Security

  14. whoosh

    Windows 7 Computer security

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_security The technologies of computer security are based on Link Removed due to 404 Error. As security is not necessarily the primary goal of most computer applications, designing a program with security in mind often imposes restrictions on that program's...
  15. J

    Windows 7 Image files (.TIB) and failure of Security software

    Hi all This to me seems a HUGE HUGE vulnerability in some current AV packages. I've got an ISOLATED machine which I use sometimes for specific AV testing. Anyway I decided to "Infect it" deliberately with some spyware and a key stroke trojan and then take an image of the system with...