selection issue

  1. D

    Windows 10 Contact list problems

    Using Outlook 2007 under Windows 10 I had to check/repair Windows 10 a few days ago and since then have not been able to select my email contacts by typing the first letter into the SPACE following 'To', 'cc' etc. My Contacts list is up to date and I get it if I click on the 'To' icon they are...
  2. M

    Windows 8 Selecting files with mouse now wonky

    Using Windows 8.1 on HP machine All updates up-to-date Hardware: Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 Explorer Folder Option selected: Single-click to open an item (point to select); Underline icon titles only when I point on them Display: Detail list (Ctrl + Shift + 6) No touch input Here's the...
  3. T

    Windows 7 Multiple file selection problem

    Hi, I have, today, installed Win 7 on a new computer. I have been using XP until now. I have googled and searched through the forum for an answer to this problem but can't find anything. Either I am the only one that has it, or I am the only one that it bothers ;) Scenario: I have a folder...
  4. R

    Windows 7 Copy SPECIAL paste sellecting problem

    Hello, I have a program to simulate things like logic electronics which gives a result of the signal. (logicworks 5) Everything works fine except that I can't copy and paste the result, I'm unable to select the results. The result are graphical 1 / 0 signal lines. I can copy all the components...