
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation To Lower Cost Of Prescription Drugs

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Enraged Senate Democrats Vote NO on repeal of Obamacare 51-48

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Bernie Sanders Gets Cold Senate Reception

  4. reghakr

    Windows 7 China urged to help in Senate counterfeit probe

    The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee urged China to allow investigators to travel to the Chinese mainland to probe reports that Chinese-made counterfeit parts are making their way into U.S. weapons systems, and other electronics, Reuters reported June 14. I have always tried to stay away...
  5. cybercore

    US sending robots to Japan to help nuclear plant

    Link Removed due to 404 Error The U.S. government is sending some robotic help to Japan to help regain control of the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant. A top Energy Department official told a Senate panel Tuesday that a shipment of "radiation hardened robotics" will be sent to Japan to assist...