slow access

  1. B

    Windows 7 windows 7 wireless network access very slow

    I have a Win 10 machine with no problems. My Win7 machine recently has become extremely slow in accessing the network, clocking in at about 1KB/s. I stopped all services I thought were unnecessary, ran virus and malware detection software then switched these off. Network Sharing Center says...
  2. B

    Windows 7 Computer slow to access "new" or rarely-used sites

    I have a fibre-based internet connexion and enjoy fast download speeds. Once internet pages have been accessed, pages download virtually instantly. The problem comes with gaining access to pages. If sites have not been used for a long time or ever before, browsers (generally Firefox)...
  3. Windows 8 Windows 8 - Slow hard disk access.

    Hi there folks and I just wanted to ask a question that has been pulling my hair out for the last months of Windows 8 being released. When Windows 8 was released I was eager to pay the £24.99 and buy it, so I did. Unfortunately though, there is one issue that is driving me crazy. This is slow...
  4. K

    Windows 7 Network share database problem

    I have a share database by two Windows 7 pcs (server is home premium ,client is Windows 7 basic) My problem : when i want to access program database from client it takes more than 2 min. How can i fix it because if pcs are XP there is no slow access time Thank you.
  5. Windows 7 Delay In Accessing Hard Drives?

    Hello, I've been having a problem for a while now that I've decided should probably be fixed, and it is this. Whenever I go to access a hard drive, that isn't my SSD, I'll click on it or a program will try to open files from it, and nothing will happen for a few seconds, then I hear the HD's...
  6. Windows 7 Problems with IE 8.0

    After installing Windows 7 (32 bit, clean full install), I noticed my access to internet sites was intolerably slow (40-45 seconds minimum access time every time I tried to go to a new web site). I was using IE 8.0 that apparently installed with Windows. I also noticed an extraordinary number of...
  7. Z

    Windows 7 Hdd slow reaction

    Had this problem since started useing Win7, didnt have problem in XP. I have 5Hdds internal ones on my computer, storeing alot of data. The problem is that if i havnt access the drives in a while say 10min they take like 4-8sec before i can access em, and i hear the, start up. Kinda sems like...