slow speed

  1. S

    Windows 7 Data Transfer Rate

    I have been using 7 since the 6000 builds. I just started using the RC1, and the data transfer rate is stupid slow. I can't get USB 2.0 above 19 MB/s and I can't get drive to drive above 10 MB/s! The fact that my USB is going faster than my two harddrives is absolutely rediculas. I have seen...
  2. qxxx

    Windows 7 Sloooow Internet

    Hi! playing with 7100 here, love the new OS, but one thing is driving me crazy.. SLOW internet download speed. In XP I can download with 1000 kb/s (~10000 kbit/s) In 7 I download with only 100-200kb/s. WTF?? I disabled QoS, IPV6, Used the TCPOptimizer... nothing. Still slow...