Windows 7 Sloooow Internet


New Member
May 8, 2009

playing with 7100 here, love the new OS, but one thing is driving me crazy.. SLOW internet download speed.
In XP I can download with 1000 kb/s (~10000 kbit/s)
In 7 I download with only 100-200kb/s. WTF??

I disabled QoS, IPV6, Used the TCPOptimizer... nothing. Still slow. Although my WLAN shows me I am connected with 54Mbit/s and very good signal.

How is the speed on your machines? did you notice any change in download speed in comparision to XP or Vista?
My Network Card:
D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G510 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.C) (maybe it is a D-Link problem? I am using the Vista drivers)


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playing with 7100 here, love the new OS, but one thing is driving me crazy.. SLOW internet download speed.
In XP I can download with 1000 kb/s (~10000 kbit/s)
In 7 I download with only 100-200kb/s. WTF??

I disabled QoS, IPV6, Used the TCPOptimizer... nothing. Still slow. Although my WLAN shows me I am connected with 54Mbit/s and very good signal.

How is the speed on your machines? did you notice any change in download speed in comparision to XP or Vista?
My Network Card:
D-Link AirPlus G DWL-G510 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.C) (maybe it is a D-Link problem? I am using the Vista drivers)


No download speeds are great sorry to hear your having problems . Rest assured its not a windows 7 problem .

damn :/.... so maybe I need a new Network card, what wlan-cards are you people using?

damn :/.... so maybe I need a new Network card, what wlan-cards are you people using?

For PCI Wireless adpter I have used on my self built Desktops : 2 from Encore and both are great .
1. Encore 802.11g Wireless PCI adapter ENLWI-G2 Note this is wireless G
2. Encore 802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter -ENLWI-N :faster Wireless N

For laptops check the link for discussion and adpter suggestion:

Link Removed

No download speeds are great sorry to hear your having problems . Rest assured its not a windows 7 problem .

Just because you aren't having issues with it, doesn't mean it isn't a windows 7 issue. If he can install vista/xp/linux and get full use of his bandwidth, and then use windows 7 and not... It's a windows 7 issue. I'm in this same boat, I run ubuntu, vista, and windows 7 on my main system, and even on a wired connection, I have trouble getting my browsers to fill 1/4 of my bandwidth. It doesn't seem to be a common enough issue for anyone to notice though. I can use a download manager to hit my bandwidth cap, but even on bandwidth test sites it shows my connection as 1.5 Mbit, when I get 6-7 Mbit in ubuntu and vista on the same setup.

Just because you aren't having issues with it, doesn't mean it isn't a windows 7 issue. If he can install vista/xp/linux and get full use of his bandwidth, and then use windows 7 and not... It's a windows 7 issue. I'm in this same boat, I run ubuntu, vista, and windows 7 on my main system, and even on a wired connection, I have trouble getting my browsers to fill 1/4 of my bandwidth. It doesn't seem to be a common enough issue for anyone to notice though. I can use a download manager to hit my bandwidth cap, but even on bandwidth test sites it shows my connection as 1.5 Mbit, when I get 6-7 Mbit in ubuntu and vista on the same setup.

I would still say its not a windows 7 problem . Driver problem yes . I have excellent download speeds and have noticed no variation changing from Vista too win7 .

I agree, could be a driver issue.

i saw no difference in my speed however.

You should re-enable the entries you disabled.

I had the same problem with my Buffalo Wireless-g USB adapter.
I got 10Mbit/10Mbit internet connection and I was able to use the full bandwidth with XP and Vista (laptop, different adapter). With Windows 7 I only got about 100KB download speeds.

I solved this by changing the receive buffer value in the adapter's driver settings from 64 to 128 (which was the maxium allowed). I'm not sure if the maxium value is limited by the OS or the drivers but my laptop had value 256.
After changing the value the connection dropped and reconnected. So, it's possible the problem solved itself by reconnecting, but I doubt this becouse rebooting the system did not solve it before.

I solved this by changing the receive buffer value in the adapter's driver settings from 64 to 128 (which was the maxium allowed).

THANKS ! it works. changed it to 128 too. :)

THANKS ! it works. changed it to 128 too. :)

Nice to hear that.
I'm still having a problem though. Changing the value to 128 only raises the connection speed temprorarily, after a while it drops back to levels it was before. Changing the value back to 64 and then to 128 raises the speed again (I made a speed test while the value was back to 64 and it was SLOW, so restarting the adapter doesn't seem to be the thing that's helping here.
I started to look if the event viewer had any errors near the time the connection speed dropped, and there were these:

WLAN AutoConfig service failed to connect to a wireless network.

Network Adapter: Wi-Fi Wireless LAN USB Adapter
Interface GUID: {58fe2774-6223-42d8-88b1-46d437bb5c34}
Connection Mode: Automatic connection with a profile
Profile Name: <removed>
SSID: <removed>
BSS Type: Infrastructure
Failure Reason:Dynamic key exchange did not succeed within configured time
Wireless security failed.

Network Adapter: Wi-Fi Wireless LAN USB Adapter
Interface GUID: {58fe2774-6223-42d8-88b1-46d437bb5c34}
Local MAC Address: 00:16:01:F9:02:8C
Network SSID: <removed>
BSS Type: Infrastructure
Peer MAC Address: 00:16:01:DF:F8:AB
Reason: Dynamic key exchange did not succeed within configured time
Error: 0x0
I don't know if these errors are the source of the problem, but I would like to try a different wireless manager. Anyone know one that works in seven/vista?

EDIT: I also determined that stopping/starting the WLAN-AutoConfig service drops the connection speed back to 10% of the actual speed.

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are you using 64 bit windows 7 if you are can you please give me the driver you are using for the g510 network card my other driver was causing freezez
