social media

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Pentagon Accidentally Retweets Message Calling For Trump To Resign

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Tweets Condolences for Wrong Mass Shooting

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Donald Trump Jr. admits direct contact with WikiLeaks

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Donald Trump Won’t Stop Tweeting Slurs At Elizabeth Warren

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Donald Trump Twitter Account Suspended By Employee On Last Day Of Job

  6. whoosh

    NEWS Russia organized 2 sides of a Texas protest and encouraged 'both sides to battle in the streets'

    Russian trolls organized a protest and a counterprotest in the same place at the same time in May 2016, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Richard Burr, said on Wednesday. The revelation shows how far Russia was willing to go to foment unrest and division in the US in the...
  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Jr Tries To Use Daughter For Political Gain, Gets Roasted On Twitter Instead

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump's Totally Not Guilty Twitter Meltdown

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump's Totally Not Guilty Twitter Meltdown

  10. Syex

    Windows 7 How can I stop facebook from asking me if I want to turn on notifications every time I log in.

    This is a recent problem and I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post such a question but I'm getting desperate for an answer and I'm going to keep asking everywhere until there's a fix. Basically every time I log in to facebook this message box appears: As you can see there is no 'don't...
  11. News

    Windows 10 Tip: Export your Minecraft creations to

    Link Removed, designed to unify the console, mobile and Windows 10 PC versions of the game under one single Minecraft, which includes cross-platform play, infinite worlds, the community Marketplace and servers. And for Windows 10 PC players, integration with Paint 3D and makes it...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Will President Donald Trump’s Puerto Rico Tweets Play To His Base? | AM Joy | MSNBC

  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Admin To Start Collecting Social Media Data on ALL Immigrants In U.S.

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO In Unhinged Twitter Rant, Trump Accuses Facebook and Media Of Being Anti-Trump During Election

  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Steve Bannon Tried To Get Pro-Trump Mole Hired At Facebook

  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Donald Trump Says We Need To Shut Down The Entire Internet

    Did he Tweet that :razz:o_O:usa:
  17. sameermuthu777

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  18. whoosh

    NEWS Trump Looked Directly At The Sun During The Solar Eclipse And Now Twitter Is Dead

    President Donald Trump looked at the sun during the solar eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21, because of course he did. This is a man who's said climate change was a hoax created by the Chinese. You think he fully listened to the warnings from experts about the damage staring at the sun could do to your...
  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Tweeted A “Thanks” To A Twitter Bot, So Twitter Suspended Tons Of Fake Accounts

  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Threatened To Sue Filmmakers If He Didn’t Get To Play The President In “Sharknado 3”
