software behavior

  1. kostakenny

    Windows 10 Print Dialog Box no Longer Appears

    Hi all, When I try to print things in various programs, the print dialog box no longer pops up. It seems to be only the old version of the print dialog box, as trying to print something in apps such as the photo app causes the new version of print dialog box to pop up. It is when I try to print...
  2. D

    Windows 10 Problem with Notepad screen location

    For several weeks now, for no apparent reason, whenever I open Notepad, it shows up at the topof the screen under the task bar (I moved it to the top of the screen). That would be okay except that the top part of the Notepad window, where the X and minimize and maximize icons are, doesn't show...
  3. L

    Inspect.exe acting differently on similar machines

    *Please move this if it is in the incorrect place* I'm having an issue where inpsect.exe on some machines is only giving me "Chrome Legacy Window" and on others it gives me the UI elements i'm looking for. 1. All the machines are windows 10 2. The application is the same version on all...
  4. b0d

    Resize app window

    Hi Windows 8 question. Just installed Line app. When switch to app it fills up whole screen which is unwanted and makes multitasking much less efficient. I wonder which overpaid desk warmer at Microsoft made this decision? I wish to have this program behave like all the others I am used to...
  5. H

    Windows 10 touchpad mouse buttons and start menu

    When i pressed both of the mouse buttons at the same time in windows 8.1 it would open a new tab in chrome. when i do this in windows 10 it will sometimes open a new tab, but most of the time it launches the start menu. how do i get it to stop launching the menu?
  6. D

    Windows 8 Where is lock screen image stored?

    Hi, new poster here. I've posted this to the Win 8 forum, but it could equally apply to Win 10. I have 3 windows machines at home - netbook, laptop and desktop. The netbook was bought with Win 7 has never had a personalised lock screen, now it's on Win 10 it has a generic Microsoft one. The...
  7. W

    Windows 7 Most applications are opening in Vim

    Starting this morning, my Windows 7 is opening most applications in Vim (Vim is my editor of choice). The following is an itemized list of this bizarre behavior. From Start menu, most applications display the Vim icon (screen shot below). From Start menu, most applications open in Vim...
  8. A

    Windows 7 Extra icons on taskbar

    I have several items pinned to the Quick Launch bar and when I launch some of them, I get the program icon duplicated onto the taskbar. When I launch other items, I merely get the Quick Launch icon's background filled in. As an example, I have 2 editors pinned to the Quick Launch bar...
  9. M

    Windows 7 Is there anyway to force a Microsoft Communicator window to come to pop up...

    instead of hiding behind the little icon on the task bar? I think they used to pop up under WinXP. This is making me look bad at work, when I have many issues going.
  10. J

    Windows 7 Windows thinks my game is a install file

    This has been happening with many games that I download off the internet. After the game downloads and installs, the exe file goes from being a program installer to a video game launcher. Windows fails to realize this, and every time I start the game the UAC pops up and I have to confirm that...
  11. J

    Windows 7 Chat Programs Staying on taskbar

    I did a search and read through a few posts of peoples problems with the taskbar, but none of them really helped with what I am having trouble with. The programs that I am seeing this happen with is Windows Live Messenger and AIM (AOL Instant Messenger). On my XP machine, and on Vista, when...
  12. M

    Windows 7 Task switching w/o requests.

    Hello all: My W7 started to switching tasks without being requested to do so. It happens by it's own, no action required whatsoever. Now I might be writing here, next char I type might en up in my MSN chat window which was minimized. At first I thought it was related to a key o keys...
  13. L

    Windows 7 Desktop folders all open in the same place - unlike XP

    Habitually, I keep six or seven folders on my desktop and, when using XP, they would always remember their individual proportions and what part of the screen they were to open up on - that way I could always have several columns of folders side-by-side, with no overlaps, always with the same...
  14. FusionZ06

    Windows 7 IE8 - Download .torrent files - downloads without prompt/dialog box - or error cannot

    find the file from server... However, if I right click it and save as it works fine. Also, when I click the link and it doesn't prompt me it actually downloads as I can look in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Downloads and the files are there. Any ideas what's going on with this? I've turned...
  15. zarekr

    Windows 7 Minimizing from the taskbar

    In XP/Vista, when a program was open and active, you could minimize it by clicking on that program's name on the taskbar. For example, with an instance of Firefox open you could minimize that instance by clicking the same thing again. In 7, this still works, but only if you have one instance...
  16. hobs0nis

    Windows 7 Is there a way to move the Gadgets freely? Like in B1

    I have been using Beta 1 for a long time. When I was using B1 I was moving the gadgets way off to a side of one of the screens I have but now its automaticly moving them for me when I get too close or to far away from the end of the screen. Is there way to make them totally free again?
  17. P

    Windows 7 Windows 7 taskbar questions

    Hi guys, im new here and this may be an old chestnut however.. RE: Windows 7 Taskbar.. Im getting usto it slowly and generally like it but Why isnt it possible to add remove things from the right hand menu (above shutdown) eg would be great to add Personal "libarys" there. and not...