software license

  1. H

    Windows 8 Reinstall / Product Key Trouble / Upgrade?

    I have a VAIO core i5 laptop that died, seemingly of hard disk trouble. After trying lots of fixes (including using my bootable USB, which just wouldn't work), I finally managed to get the computer to initiate recovery via 'VAIO Assist' and to do some hard disk repair, and then it seemed to work...
  2. abrogard

    How Does The Serials Thing Work?

    I've never understood how the Serials thing works. And I've had all kinds of hassles with it over the years with different O/S's and upgrades and second hand machines and broken machine needing repair and reinstalls and whatever... Is there a clear outline of it somewhere? Say I have a...
  3. Micky Balladelli

    Windows 10 So we won't get a free License

    Looks like we won't get a free license. We're either condemned to live as Insiders, with everthing that that means. Or rollback. ??? So what do people think?
  4. Pofadda

    Windows 8 Using upgrade on other existing W7 machine?

    Upgrades at the special pricing are sold to buyers of new machines. I have a new laptop but wish to use the upgrade offer to update my desktop instead, as that is where my non-routine stuff happens. I can't see any good reason why not, but, given the convoluted workings of corporate legal...
  5. S

    Windows 7 Downgrade to genuine?

    Hi everyone, So today I logged into my computer to find that my copy of Windows 7 Ultimate x64 has been deemed "not genuine". I was scammed by buying what I thought was a legit copy of Windows off ebay, for considerably less than what it was selling retail. Yes, I was greedy, no I don't need...
  6. B

    Windows 7 Auctioned productkeys

    Hey. I have the RC-version and its about to expire. I have found quite many selling productkeys on places such as Ebay, where they send you a key and you have to download windows 7 yourself. I'm pretty unsure how a productkey can be sold for 20$ when microsoft wants 220$ for the same...
  7. J

    Windows 7 Activation Key Not Working

    Hi, I recently downloaded Windows 7 from my college school website. I have it installed, but when I go to enter the product key it says it's not valid for this version of Windows 7. I've looked around but I haven't seen any straight answers. How do I fix this..?
  8. Shadowdancer

    Windows 7 Is it possible to have a legal version of Windows 7 right now?

    Hi. I joined primarily to ask this single question. Is it possible to legally own a Windows 7 Ultimate version right now? I'm asking because I saw a PC in an on-line store, which had the Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit version installed. I am tempted to buy it, really, but I'm afraid I could get into...
  9. silverboy65

    Windows 7 How To Create Windows 7 Bootable dvd

    Hi i downloaded windows 7 rc1 and it is Bootable but i want add a folder to that so i need to rebuilt .iso file i want know how i can create this .iso Bootable I think windows 7 Bootable files are : BootImage.img Microsoft Corporation.img i extract this files from the original...