software protection

  1. ArcherNSX

    Windows 8 Software Protection

    Hi folks there's a service called Software protection it eats my CPU it take about 30% of my CPU when it works , and it works when I startup any Office program it may also when I startup my Internet Browser The only solution to solve my problem is to take it .exe from...
  2. D

    Windows 8 Event error every thirty seconds (ID 16385)

    I noticed a few days ago that in my event logs every 30s I'm getting Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at [....] Error Code: 0x80070005. [...] = time/date I've tried Googling the errors and following their instructions, making sure Task Scheduler, RPC & RPC Locator...
  3. Cynthia

    Windows 10 System became very slow and laggy after restart, disk usage 100% with average response time 9198 ms

    I was using my computer like normal and everything was fine, couldn't connect to a friend's WiFi so I restarted my computer. It took over 30 minutes to boot back up, with half that time being on my desktop loading applications. Everything that I tried to click was being very slow. I Ctrl-Alt-Del...
  4. zabberwan

    Windows 8 Event ID 16385 and Mouse Freeze-up

    Hi, I am having a strange problem on Windows 8 as of late. Just in the middle of work the mouse pointer freezes in its tracks and there is nothing doing, but to restart. And then all goes on well as if nothing' happened. Today, I had the same problem, but this time the the mouse seems to revive...
  5. Saltgrass

    Windows 8 Anyone else seeing this error - Failed to schedule Software Protection service

    I seem to be getting many of these errors lately and they seem to have started on Aug. 8. When I say many, I mean like 100 an hour showing in Event Viewer. I have been researching and the fix appears to be deleting some files in a specific directory and using ones from the install.wim file to...