system administration

  1. News

    Unexpectedly slow logon caused by large WMI repository in Windows or Windows Server

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  2. metulburr

    Windows 8 how to elevate a command via cmd.exe

    I am trying to elevate a command given (in this case just another cmd.exe) if the user is not admin. However i get the error: C:\Users\metul_000>runas /user:administrator cmd.exe Enter the password for administrator: Attempting to start cmd.exe as user "WINDOWS8\administrator" ... RUNAS ERROR...
  3. RodBarnes

    Windows 7 Windows Time service fails to start

    I've done a lot of searching on this issue, found several articles, tried some solutions: Nothing works. The Windows Time service just fails to start at boot. It doesn't produce an error in the event logs; it just fails to start. But I can manually start it from Services. Or I can manually...
  4. News

    Windows 7 Clients intermittently fail to apply group policy at startup

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  5. O

    Windows 7 Dont run script IF

    I have an issue, i have just started a Windows 7 Migration Project and i was originally brought in to do GPO, now i have bene asked to do something else and i am a little stuck. Basically we still run Windows XP on most of our machines but will start migrating over to 7 soon. We run a batch...
  6. News

    TA13-317A: Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities

    Original release date: November 13, 2013 | Last revised: November 16, 2013 Systems Affected Windows Operating System and Components Microsoft Office Internet Explorer Overview Select Microsoft software products contain multiple vulnerabilities. Microsoft has released updates to address...
  7. JimmyW

    Windows 8 Removing another user's password

    I have a Windows 8x64, Build 9200 system. There are two users: Administrator (me) and Joe. Joe has a password, and I want to remove his password. I logged on as Admin and can't find the option (Control Panel\Users) to remove another user's password, as I could in Windows 7. Thanks!
  8. News

    TA13-253A: Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities

    Original release date: September 10, 2013 Systems Affected Windows Operating System and Components Microsoft Server Software Microsoft Office Internet Explorer Overview Select Microsoft software products contain multiple vulnerabilities. Microsoft has released updates to address these...
  9. News

    TA13-134A: Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities

    Original release date: May 14, 2013 Systems Affected Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft Lync Microsoft Office Microsoft Windows Essentials Overview Select Microsoft software products contain multiple vulnerabilities. Microsoft has released updates...
  10. News

    MS13-032: Description of the security update for Active Directory: April 9, 2013

  11. News

    TA12-318A: Microsoft Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities

    Original release date: November 13, 2012 | Last revised: January 24, 2013 Systems Affected Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office Microsoft .NET Framework Internet Explorer Overview Select Microsoft software products contain multiple vulnerabilities. Microsoft has released...
  12. News

    Understanding File and Handle Audit Events in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2008, in Windows 7, W

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  13. E

    Windows 7 Setting Permissions on a DropBox (_not_ the website)

    I am trying to set permissions on a folder to serve as a drop box on a network volume so that I retain full control and the <everyone> group can add files and read the contents, but cannot change anything once uyploaded to the folder. Or, listed a different way: administrator -- full control...
  14. News

    Forwarded events cannot be displayed in Event Viewer on a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2-based

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  15. News

    Understanding File and Handle Audit Events in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2008, in Windows 7, a

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  16. News

    Windows Server Backup utility does not back up some newly created files in Windows 7 or in Windows S

  17. News

    Users cannot access removable devices after you enable and then disable a Group Policy setting in Wi

  18. Fernando89

    Windows 7 Can't perform a backup to my desktop computer

    Apologies if this is elsewhere, but I've been searching Google for the past hour and am continuing to have issues, and can't seem to find the solution that works. I just got two new harddrives for my birthday - one for my desktop, and one for my laptop. The desktop drive is 3 TB, which Windows...
  19. News

    How to generate a kernel or a complete memory dump file in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 20

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  20. I

    Windows 7 No Option to Login as Different User

    Hi all, I have a system that has only one option for login: a standard user w/o admin privileges. I'm trying to do a "Windows Easy Transfer" from an XP box. Anyway, in order to do that, I must have admin privileges on the offending W7 box. I have admin privileges for my own account, but I don't...