system start

  1. Windows 7 Event log error: ...failed to load: ASMTFilter

    Hello! I'm on my 3rd Windows install on this PC build and want to keep it as clean as possible. Besides, on shutdown I get the “Waiting for Background Program to Close” for a fraction of a second- with nothing listed between the horizontal lines. I figured I would start by fixing the causes...
  2. F

    Windows 7 After installing windows 7 screen goes black and i cant do anything!

    Hey! I've just installed windows 7 from dvd over windows xp.Installation is went fine and realy quick but on the last restart and first starting up of windows 7 screen become black and i cant do anything.The only thing that i see on the screen is flickering bios cursor and only command that...
  3. D

    Windows 7 No Video or Sound During POST

    After having no problems for a year with this build, I now have no video or sound during post. Below is the observed behavior which has been consistent since the problem started last week. 1. When connected via DVI to Asus VW246 there is no video or sound during post. Video and sound...
  4. R

    Windows Vista Boot Process

    Is it possible to view ,real time ,the boot process both before and after log-in?If so how?:confused: