Hey, couple of quick questions here. So, I have my Windows installed on C drive, as well as a few other things, and I don't install other things there because it is quite full, only half a gig space left. I was recently using WMM and it gave me messages that C drive was almost out of space, and...
c drive
data management
downloads folder
drive space
file locations
file management
file transfer
music library
storage options
storage settings
system settings
temporary files
user directories
video editing
video files
windows configuration
windows libraries
windows movie maker
Can someone tell me please where is the rest 10GB+ located on my LocalDiskC ?
When I get it's properties It says 37GB used space. If I count every single folder inside it (hidden ones too) I get around 26GB. Can you help me please ? I want my 10GB+ back ! Ths space on my LocalDiskC is already...
How do I control how much disk space my Windows Backup takes up? I have a 1TB external disk for backups and other files. My computer's HDD only has about 250GB capacity. I don't know why my backups file got so bloated. What should I do?
I see that I can delete the older backup file: 22-Oct...
backup files
backup management
backup settings
data storage
disk space
external drive
file deletion
storage issues
windows 7
windows backup
this happened with two hard disk drives. ill only talk about the one im using right now. i installed windows and some programs. i right clicked on the C partition where the OS is installed then properties. 97.9 space used 11.1 space available. Total size is 109 as you can see. thats right. I...
c drive
data loss
disk space
disk usage
file system
free space
hard drive
hidden files
os installation
partition management
shadow copies
storagesystem configuration
windows 7
windows xp