system storage

  1. joe16

    Windows 7 Windows Movie Maker temp and Libraries locations.

    Hey, couple of quick questions here. So, I have my Windows installed on C drive, as well as a few other things, and I don't install other things there because it is quite full, only half a gig space left. I was recently using WMM and it gave me messages that C drive was almost out of space, and...
  2. Marron

    Windows 7 Wired LocalDiskC FreeSpace

    Can someone tell me please where is the rest 10GB+ located on my LocalDiskC ? When I get it's properties It says 37GB used space. If I count every single folder inside it (hidden ones too) I get around 26GB. Can you help me please ? I want my 10GB+ back ! Ths space on my LocalDiskC is already...
  3. W

    Windows 7 Backup takes 800GB? Manage Windows Backup Disk Space

    How do I control how much disk space my Windows Backup takes up? I have a 1TB external disk for backups and other files. My computer's HDD only has about 250GB capacity. I don't know why my backups file got so bloated. What should I do? I see that I can delete the older backup file: 22-Oct...
  4. W

    Windows 7 where is my space gone?

    this happened with two hard disk drives. ill only talk about the one im using right now. i installed windows and some programs. i right clicked on the C partition where the OS is installed then properties. 97.9 space used 11.1 space available. Total size is 109 as you can see. thats right. I...