
  1. Ciara

    GFX Team : Posting GFX Images

    Anything and every thing posted in the GFX group must comply with the Windows 7 Forum posting rules and guidelines. posting rules and guidelines > Link Removed Ciara - GFX Team
  2. Ciara

    A Thank You

    To Captain Jack who made GFX Request possible and it was his very good idea :cool: From Ciara and the GFX Team Link > Link Removed - Invalid URL
  3. Captain Jack

    Windows 7 Custom Signature Request

    Hello there! You want custom made signatures, avatars or any GFX request then post it here. Our GFX Team : Link Removed Have fun ... Link Removed due to 404 Error
  4. Ciara

    GFX Team : Team Logo

    If any Members would like to make a new team logo please do and post them here :)
  5. Ciara

    Social Group GFX Team

    Just started a new group (GFX Team), so if your into GFX lets see what you can do ? the team should be able to take requests for Forum Sig's, Avatars etc. Team Logo made by me :) Link Removed Link Removed
  6. Ciara

    GFX Team : Members ... Welcome

    Im Ciara and just created today GFX Team :p
  7. News

    Windows 7 TWC9 HouseBuilder, Solver Dev Labs Project, Windows Shell Extensions

    This week on Channel 9, Dan and Clint discuss the week's top developer news, including: John Papa - Mix11 3D HouseBuilder Silverlight application is now available Kirill Osenkov - Link Removed now available for WP7 Jef Claes - Link Removed WebMatrix site Somasegar - Link Removed IE Team blog -...
  8. News

    Windows 7 Mobile Photosynth Panorama App

    The Photosynth team has put together a new application to create Photosynth panoramas on your mobile device. Photosynth panoramas are a little different from typical synths in that they are a single stitched image of a space, rather than a lot of individual images from different angles that are...
  9. News

    Windows 7 Chatting with the Kinect Team's Alex Kipman, Kudo Tsunoda, and Darren Bennett

    I had a chance to spend a few minutes with some of the Kinect team's key members. Most of what they are working on is under lock and key, but it was nice to chat with them for a little bit and get a little insight into the Kinect. Link Removed Link Removed
  10. News

    Windows 7 Silverlight TV 64: Dive into 64bit Support, App Model and Security

    In this episode, Nick Kramer of the Silverlight team joins John on Silverlight TV to discuss the application model, 64bit support, and security features with Silverlight. Nick dives into some of his favorite features, such as multiple windows, and discusses what each of his team's areas focuses...
  11. cybercore

    VIDEO Whoosh Ball Camp Game

  12. News

    Windows 7 Countdown to PDC: Meet Jeannine and Win a Limited Edition Shirt

    As we wind our way down to PDC, it’s time that you meet more of the team behind the scenes as they’ll share with you each week some of their favorite things to see and do in the Seattle area. First up isLink Removed, who represents the Eastside (the term for the Eastern suburbs of Seattle that...
  13. News

    Windows 7 Inside the new Channel 9: Random Team Drive-By

    Foo bar Baz Link Removed
  14. News

    Windows 7 Inside Windows Phone #07: Meet some of the People behind Windows Phone

    Link RemovedYou probably already know that *Windows Phone tools final version got shipped today! We decided to walk through the corridors of Studio F (where most of the devs, PM, and testers are) and talk to few of the people that are behind this great release of Windows Phone and the tools...
  15. zigzag3143

    Team BSOD : Friendly Faces

    Just stopped by to say hi and found many of you I already know, anyway. lmtn
  16. Mike

    Staff Meeting Podcast

    Link Removed Here is the podcast for our August 2010 staff meeting. The low quality MP3 is around 20MB. This meeting lasted for 2 hours. We will hopefully be reconvening for a 3rd meeting in October 2010. Podcast Feed: Link Removed due to 404 Error Many issues were discussed in this meeting...
  17. whoosh

    VIDEO jakarta team- baby dance

  18. whoosh

    Counterfeit Software on the Rise, Poses New Risks to Consumers

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Consumer reports of counterfeit software, often riddled with viruses, have doubled over the past two years, and today Microsoft is holding a Consumer Action Day to highlight the risks of counterfeits and connect people with resources that can help them. Most...
  19. Celestra

    Windows Vista United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team

    Here are some Cyber Security Tips from President Obama: Link Removed - Invalid URL (They also have a number you can report a crime to)