In the nostalgic corridors of tech history, few events shine as brightly as the release of Windows 95. This monumental operating system not only revolutionized the personal computing landscape but also introduced an intriguing setup process that ingeniously leveraged three different operating...
On November 20, 1985, the world of personal computing witnessed a transformative moment when Microsoft officially unveiled Windows 1.0. This pioneering operating system marked Microsoft's first serious foray into graphical user interfaces (GUIs)—a radical departure from the command-line...
In the ever-evolving landscape of Windows operating systems, numerous features tend to fade from our memories as updates push the boundaries of what technology can do. A recent article by XDA lays bare ten such features that have either been discarded or quietly transformed over the years. The...
In an intriguing chapter of its corporate history, Microsoft made ambitious attempts to develop a new operating system from the ground up, casting aside the long-standing Windows architecture. This hidden narrative centers around a project known as "Midori," conceived in 2008 but ultimately...
I'm currently in a backup project and I've got ALOT of old software. But should I even make ISO backups of theses old software? I've got old versions of Visual Studio, every Office back to 98, every Windows os back to 98 SE.
Have any of ya'll come across a situation where you needed an old...
data preservation
disk imaging
file management
legacy software
old school
old versions
software redundancy
system restore
visual studio
windows 98
In this episode Soumow, Kaitlin and Golnaz have a great conversation with Sonya Koptyev, from being the only woman in her C++ class, photography, working for a dotCOM, her fitness hobby, through to the work she's doing today on Office 365.
For more information on Office 365 development please...
In this on-location special for Defrag Tools, Andrew Richards and Chad Beeder invade Raymond Chen's office. Raymond is a 23yr veteran of Microsoft, who's worked on everything from MS-DOS to the Windows 10 UI.
We talk about his Blog and Link Removed Old New Thing, Security Reports on the wrong...
code samples
defrag tools
old new thing
raymond chen
software development
software engineering
ui design
windows 10
Windows 7 is the fastest-selling operating system in Microsoft's -- or any vendor's -- history. Microsoft's financials and balance sheet over the last several quarters are pure gold. The question must be asked, then, if Microsoft's financials are so rosy and its core Windows and Office products...